Blue vs Pink: A Dual Interview with Krisko & Foxy340
InceptionStrange, Foxy340 & KriskoEx
Inside Palermo, Italy
InceptionStrange, JustFury, FTX_Tonante007 & 2 more speakers
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lrogerorrit · Dec 17th, 2024
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InceptionStrange, Foxy340 & KriskoEx · Dec 1st, 2024
Unisciti a un'intervista esclusiva con due dei creator italiani più noti su Roblox: Krisko e Foxy340!
Questo evento in stile Rosso vs Blu ti permetterà di scoprire la loro storia, le loro ultime esperienze e i piani futuri su Roblox. E c’è anche un imperdibile giveaway: in palio una gift card Roblox da 800 Robux e un'altra card da 100 Robux per i fortunati!
Non lasciarti sfuggire questa occasione unica per partecipare, fare domande e conoscerli meglio!
# Spotlights
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OffGridDude · Nov 12th, 2024
00:00 Introduction
01:20 Mistake 1: Not thinking about audio from the beginning
01:42 Examples of Iconic Game Sounds
03:20 Mistake 2: Not using ambient/environmental sounds
04:50 Defining your game's audio world
07:00 Examples of classic Roblox games and their audio
07:50 How to find ambient sounds
12:03 Classic Roblox game -- re-mastering with new ambient sounds
16:17 Mistake 3: No music
17:18 How to determine what style of music you want in your game
19:18 Example: three different styles of music with the same scene
20:32 How to find music on Roblox and on Audioscape's Audio Discovery Tool
26:45 Recap: The Three Biggest Mistakes in Roblox Audio
27:17 Links from today's presentation
# Sound Production
Hey Creators!
Enjoy this demo showing you how thumbnail personalization works, and sharing some best practices.
# Roblox Staff Streams
# Roblox Staff
# Thumbnail Personalization
# Thumbnails

TheReal4Cedar123 & Dapale · Nov 2nd, 2024
# Chat
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InceptionStrange & framedimage · Oct 13th, 2024
Partecipa a uno spotlight dedicato al mondo della grafica su Roblox insieme a framedimage, esperto di GFX e design.
Scopri tecniche, strumenti e segreti per creare immagini accattivanti e migliorare le tue abilità grafiche. Al termine della presentazione, avrai l'opportunità di interagire con framedimage e porre le tue domande.
Inoltre, una persona fortunata vincerà una gift card da 100 Robux!
# Italian
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📢 Podsumowanie RDC po polsku!
4 Października 2024 Polscy ambasadorzy po raz pierwszy przeprowadzili podsumowanie Roblox Developers Conference (RDC) po polsku!
🔎 Co było omawiane?
- Czym jest RDC?
- Gdzie się odbywa i jak się tam dostać?
- Co się dzieje na RDC?
- Ile trwa konferencja?
- Najciekawsze nowości zaprezentowane przez Roblox!
- Krótko o kosztach RDC.
# Polish
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# InternationalDET
Remember when Nick and Tian showed off AI on stage at RDC to turn a normal scene into a Halloween one? These two will be recreating that demo for you live! If you’ve ever wanted to see how the Texture Generator and Assistant work in Studio, and how you can use them to create and prototype faster, you won’t wanna miss this stream!
# Artificial Intelligence
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# Roblox Staff Streams
# Creator Events
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# Texturing
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In this event I will show a simple workflow on creating, scaling, and scripting ui. I will go over each step, and give tips on how to do the best you can. We will be using Aseprite for the drawing step of the workshop.
# Programming
# UI Design
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InceptionStrange & serqi0 · Sep 15th, 2024
Translation Spotlight con Serqi0
Partecipa per scoprire i segreti della traduzione e localizzazione su Roblox insieme a uno degli esperti del settore, Serqi0.
Al termine della presentazione, avrai l'opportunità di interagire direttamente con Serqi0 e porre tutte le tue domande. Inoltre, una persona fortunata vincerà una gift card da 100 Robux!
# Development
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