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Challenges to Opening a Roblox Theme Park (ft lrogerorrit)

Posted Mar 18, 2023 | Views 27.4K
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Event Host @ RAAPA

Hi! Im lrogerorrit. Im a 22 year old spanish computer science student who has been on this platform since 2013. Im mainly a scripter but i also animate, design ui, rig, voice act, build, etc... I've been an event organizer since the end of 2021. I mainly work on theme park related things, but i've also ventured outside this genre with games such as Fame.

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Event Organiser @ Roblox

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.

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We invited you to join in a roundtable interview with @lrogerorrit and myself @TheReal4Cedar123. We discussed the challenges of designing, creating, and opening a theme park on Roblox

During the interview, we also delve into various aspects of theme park development, such as ride design, landscaping, marketing, and community management. Whether you’re an avid Roblox player, a theme park enthusiast, or simply interested in the world of online gaming, the conversation would sure interest you!

The interview lasted for approximately one hour, giving us enough time to explore the topic in depth and address any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you’ll join us for this exciting discussion.

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0:00:04.9 --> foreign event on Twitch you know as I'm actually streamed on Twitches like a few years ago and that's I was like shooting yeah I was streaming Studio making stuff for the Sam Wales okay so um restarts in like half a minute thank everyone for being here saying that I know it's a bit hard um this Transit transition period um

0:01:06.4 --> okay so um it's okay six let's start okay hello everyone welcome I'm Roger I'm you I'll be your host for today um these events as you all know is um a bit I'll be talking with a cedar about the challenges of opening a theme park at least the challenges he's faced opening his recent Theme Park movie world so um first of all I would like to thank see there for being here and um I'll just let him introduce himself awesome okay hi everyone I am okay mentioned um I also I'm a bank organizer but today I'll be talking about opening a theme park in Roblox um outside of Roblox I'm a web designer but the main thing I do is Roblox so

0:02:01.6 --> yeah great so um let's start um straight into it so what got you into theme parks like and like specifically what got you into like Roblox theme park okay so yeah um main thing that got me to theme parks or sort of just enjoying them I've been to quite a few but especially the main ones wrong and they've been sort of I just enjoy them lots of people don't really have a reason but I enjoy the rides and the feels then and just how they are it's a nice way to get away from everything um but one of the reasons I got into Roblox is mainly the technology you can use in Roblox like you can't do the things you can do on Roblox such as making a theme park on any other platform so I let's talk a bit about you um

0:03:00.7 --> even think about Community for a while now um why open my park now so why not do before why just not do it and I'll prompt you basically to get into making a theme park because it's quite a lot of work yeah so yeah I joined Roblox about eight years ago now and I've probably been in the theme park community for about six years but I've only recently started doing big theme park games such as movie world and I think one of the reasons I've got back into it was probably because you have much more freedom than what you can make now because if you go back a couple years ago you couldn't do half the things you can do now and having a roller coast school which actually nudes and your Smooths is what you need now until you give that four years ago or so you couldn't get any of it without having to rely on physics and it breaking all the time so you you explain a bit like coasters like have improved quite a lot now so what other things you do you think have

0:04:00.8 --> improved like for like compared to like three years ago two years ago I think there's um a lot well because yesterday for example of like open sources um there's lots of sort of from like people you can contact to get ideas with and because if you couldn't do that for years ago you couldn't start anything because no one knew how to do it and because of how big the community has grown now you can ask pretty much anyone within it to help you and you can find someone all right so I'm at the end like it was a bit about about your part so it's a recreation is it a custom Park what is it exactly yeah so movie box is my theme park it's based off the movie World Cup around the world the main one being the one in Dubai there are many such as in like Australia but our one is based off Dubai which is sort of it's a

0:05:03.1 --> much smaller version of the real movie world but the designs for it work really well for a Roblox game so we basically taken things from the real theme park and puts it into our game but also adding our own twist onto it so for example we've got all the rollercoasting games and style but the actual layout is completely different we've given its own theme to make it more unique and different so um is it a um so I know other people have tried to do movie words before so there's llama for example um what does yours like do you take inspiration from the previous movie where it has been on Roblox or attempt or is it like a complete new spin yeah so when we first made movie well we sort of wanted to make it in a way that people thought it looked similar to the other

0:06:00.8 --> ones but we came to the conclusion before opening that we want to make it more unique so we probably really get the theme park around twice three times make it the way it is now and it is definitely more costume than what it was and we'll be trying to make it all unique so it isn't like any other Roblox Theme Park character nice um now that you've done your own bug which is like a bit half customer regression what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each type so where does custom Parks shine and where do Recreation shine on your way around yeah so some of the issues can help with like a recreation one is the limitations you can have so a big one I've seen lots of people having issue with is video frames in which if there's a video in like a real life one you can't actually put that into Roblox yet and I think there's lots of like styles

0:07:01.2 --> of roller coasters and things you can't do quite yet in Roblox but it is getting there but one of the advantages to it is you have an idea of what to go with so you can base It Off movie world for example and you can make it exactly like the real one but within Roblox and that's sort of what is Google bag for recreation but compared to a custom with a custom you can pretty much do anything you want if you have an idea you can add it if you want to be inspired by a real game you can do it sort of what we did with movie but it'll take the idea but customer that's it but one of the disadvantages to it is probably trying to get the ideas if you have a blunt game it's like what you do and trying to work out through that and how to build a big game from it so now if you have to start again from zero will you still do a custom park or would

0:08:02.5 --> you try to do a recreation I would probably do a recreation I would want to make it more exactly like a real theme park but sort of give it a copyright free feeling because I feel like that's one of the things we need to try and Google most in Roblox to try and make it inspired like real life but make it a bit custom I guess so mostly like a half half right yeah pretty much half and half so okay now we're talking about the park let's talk about developing it so what do you think are the main challenges you faced when like opening and developing for your Park and like for example how much has it taken since it started until you opened it some months ago yeah so I think some of the like important parts of it is sort of engaging the interactions and making them more engaging towards the players

0:09:00.7 --> because what you don't want is to make a roller coaster it looks really cool but people don't enjoy it so you sort of have to engage with the interaction you have to have a good seasoning because without a good cleaning it's just a boring right and one of the main issues I have with movie world was we had organized all planned out but we needed to our theme into it but after we giggled semen and everything there were a lot of issues on bugs that you needed to smooth out and if you're starting off again there will be a lot of bugs you need to try and sort and some of them we didn't use the Nobles a bug until we open getting people told us about them um I think one of the strongest things you need to do which is important is to build a good community based as long as we started moving World we've had lots of people very excited for the game but we needed to try and get a bigger organic and when you have that the game just grows massively

0:10:00. --> so you talk a bit about like Community um so let's talk a bit about it since you mentioned it so as we both know we've been in this for quite a while Community is really important for something like a theme park on Roblox because yes you can probably succeed to that Community but it's much harder so what are the plans you have for your community like do you think it's everything it's one of the hardest thing when building a theme park and again talking about you mentioned engagement and how in like how to build it into a park how do you think how do you plan to make your community engaged how do you and do you plan to make it grow full movie works we have exactly moment it's a really big Park and there's quite a few rides to go on but make it interactive going to allow people to control different guys have tour guides around the park we've got a parade plan you've got lots of live shows coming up but I think

0:11:02.3 --> difficulties within that is trying to get something which we can get as many people to come with and enjoy so we need to try and engage them and get a culture of a big base for people which would like and share activity so at the moment we will probably ask people what jobs and things they're going to do in the game and expand from that and it's mainly been talking to a community and getting the feedback from them so you've mentioned some jobs I've seen jobs I used I've used them myself and um I think other like big parks on the platform have actually used it to um keep like people engaged um how do you think jobs help engagement do you think um it's because it brings in like this role-playing um type of genre into theme park so what do

0:12:01.5 --> you think like why do you think jobs can help boost um disengagement oh I think one of the main things is the job part of trying to get sort of when you have a job you need people to enjoy it so I think one of the things people enjoy doing the most is interacting with Casino Park so they want to be a part of the experience and one of the main things you would need to try and do is sort of like crate moving or being able to operate a ride and having a more interactive part so you're a lot closer visiting a game you can actually be a part of the game and make it more interactive I guess so again let's go back to developing it so okay so let's let's go back you start your your part you start planning what is the first thing you plan for so how do you start the planning phase

0:13:07.4 --> I think one of the best things you can do is to sort of research and getting like gear of what like a real nice theme parks look like so one of the big things we give first let's have a look at the movie world map so all the different movie worlds and try and work out a general layout and then plan what we want to have in the Roblox game compared to what's actually in real life so it's definitely trying to get inspiration from other people is what we would need to do for it so okay so you start planning about it so once planning is done what is the like what is the next step so is it just starting building is it like resource Gathering so take us a bit through the steps of from planning until release yeah so after we sort of got the idea on

0:14:01.3 --> what we wanted to do one of the things we first started was making the basic sort of layout we had we added lots of parts and sort of Lego where main flute was going to be and where all the different lands were going to be and sort of joined the game and walked around it and saw would people enjoy it in this year and the first few outs we didn't really enjoy going around it because it just felt quite out of the way so we ended up moving lots of differently out so once we had that we could start to actually build the buildings and shops you developed from that point forward and then after we give lots of builds and we began all of the scripting and guis so as I said um we've talked about the steps of the China part but so did he have when you started the project did you have like a different view as something changed from like your perception of oh to make a theme park would have to do this I'd have to do that conversion out

0:15:02.1 --> yeah so when we first started the game we had sort of errors this is how we were going to have the game but then the more we developed it we realized it isn't gonna work for a Roblox game so we did lots of different changes such as how the fill of it was going to be like and sort of the theming I guess for it and there was lots of like Elga tents failed builds we gigs and there was a lot of changing to try and get it the way it was to go so for example I think something there are people usually fail at this or have a big problems making in the park too big what do you think is like um a good balance between like not too big of a park but also not too small of it so yes so we had it masses and we didn't really know what to do for

0:16:00.4 --> space so if you're looking over here now it's still quite big but we had it on a sort of medium set size because what you don't want to do is to have it too small and then you can't stand out there isn't enough room if you've got a round layout for the game you've got to try and move everything but if you have it too big it makes it very difficult to just sort of walk around the parking it will take quite a while to do so it's amazing world we had about science and playing out but with making a way if we wanted to add something else we could quite easily move the different sort of sections of the map and it sprang out from it so you're talking a bit about like you're talking actually in in plural so that means you have a team it's not only yourself so tell us a bit about your team like what do you think is I want to make a medium-sized theme park what what do you think so do you think I need to have in my team yeah so

0:17:01.1 --> it's the movie well we've got a very small team we've got around five developers working on the game and everything will developer works on different parts of the game but if you wanted to make about a medium theme park I would probably recognize having about seven or eight developers and going to skip throttle developers which can only do set things lots of the developers we've got from the movie but I can get a bit of building a bit of script seeing and can bring lots of original ideas which may be the other developers may not have that set type gearing it sort of gives us much more freedom and creation we can go for the theme park I see so um let's say I want to turn my own Park what do you think in your opinion are the few most important aspects I should know yeah so for making a theme park one of the biggest things we didn't sort of realize was how we have to get the layout perfectly so if we're doing a

0:18:00.5 --> roller coaster for example when it's based on a real game we would have to try and get it as similar as possible but also that people could sort of if they've been on it before they would know how to do it and if you're first starting off at a park it's quite difficult to have a chef themed layout so it does just make it quite difficult it's a difficult question this is um okay now looking back you've released one of the things you would change like if you could change anything right now what what is the thing ever change yeah so we've got a few regrets of movie books and some of the main things Park is really big and we wanted to try and add more builds into it and that's one of the things we had a quite a far deadline but trying to get all of the

0:19:01.8 --> sort of new theming and to get everything away it needed to be before opening was quite difficult so what I'll probably starting off the game don't give yourself a gag with him we're gonna opening a few months time sort of don't play on the deadline out yet just work for it for a few months and see how it goes you're getting close to finishing then think about a release date but don't plan really far ahead for something because it makes it very difficult and it will burn you out after working on it for a while yeah I do agree with the deadline things into this isn't there something I mean deadlines you have to set them sometimes but you don't always have to send them and I think that is one of the problems and people have is like I need someone buy that no yeah definitely let's make a good product a Russia's product is always a bad product so yeah um you've released what are the feature plans so how do you

0:20:00.3 --> plan on so I guess as you said it's about um keeping the park engaged keeping people engaged with the park um what are the future plans to like help people come back and say oh I want to play this game again so what do you think are the main challenges of like once you have the theme park open what do you think are the main challenge there's like uh this developers team has yeah so you know the baby Vlogs open we've sort of we've got much more free games so we can get prepared feedback but we have lots of different rides sort of planned out and to get the park constantly open we need to try and invite more people so we're opening a 4D ride which is coming we're going to add more flat where I can basically try and add many more things to get different parts of the theme park community to enjoy the game and that might include having more events or having sort of unique things

0:21:03.1 --> to make for games similar to some of the other ones but sort of a part of it and having this game being away so you don't think about like dark rides go upstairs live right so how do you think so what do you think is the key to balancing those elements in the park because or if you have too many too much coasters people will just get bored at the end if you have too many flat rides like there's not three enough enough Thrills dark rides take a lot of time to do um so what do you think is a good balance between right yeah so one of the things we have with moviebob which we are changing is we have two mini flat rides within the game and I would personally probably say you would want more roller coasters going flat rides in an actual theme park because you wouldn't go to an okay Real Life theme park and see tons of flat rights because everyone will go there for the experience of going on the

0:22:01.2 --> rollercoaster so I would probably say like every two roller coasters probably have one strap right but in terms of dark rides lots of theme parks don't have them yet within Roblox and I think all of the things like all the theme parks should have at least got one unique ride and that could be a dark ride or that could be the other type of Rights because there's lots of different themes we could do and have different ones for it so um promotion is very important thing right I think we can both agree on that because if you have a great game but no one knows about it it's really a waste of time so how do you promote a theme park yeah what movie we were quite lucky because we had a sort of a small fan base already before we actually properly advertised it but a simple best ways to get your game advertised is to join like

0:23:00.5 --> Theme Park Service which allow you to advertise within it and sort of share your Creations on Twitter because lots of the time people will enjoy theme parks but won't be in a server for example difficult server just for a theme park lots of people will be around Roblox I may not actually know about their game so I think trying to advertise it in place if you may not think people would actually enjoy it in but it turns out there probably will be people within that platform that will actually enjoy the theme park quite a lot I see so I'm I think this is all for today at least from our part so um you don't want to really keep it very long because long events just aren't engaging so um I think we should we will open q a so if you want to ask a question um just type in the chat and again thank you to see there for coming

0:24:00.9 --> and I hope you actually check out this park if you want to send the link through the chat see there or send it I'll send it through the chat sure I'll send it to you if you give me just a second also just a reminder um if you can please fill in this survey that we will send you now it helps us and please fill in the survey helps us um improve the quality of our events so um yeah we appreciate that and if you want to check out movie world there we have the link so we'll be here until like half past if no one has a question um I would like to thank everyone for coming um I know it's probably not the best

0:25:00.1 --> time and thank you yeah thank you everyone for coming for this short interview just a reminder um rappers are um with my next event um is the biggest Theme Park Convention on Roblox and if you're interested in on joining the boot signing opens tomorrow um if you want to join you have to join our Discord in order to join but um a second I'll just send the link if someone wants to join someone wants to join you can just get the link here okay I think there's probably no question in chat so um we'll close the event here once again thank you see there um you'll find this recorded on my YouTube um I probably can see those two so thank

0:26:00.4 --> you very much see you everyone have a nice day

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