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Roblox Theme Park Developer (Panel & Q&A)

Posted Feb 19, 2022 | Views 42.3K
# Q&A
# Community
Event Host @ RAAPA

Hi! Im lrogerorrit. Im a 22 year old spanish computer science student who has been on this platform since 2013. Im mainly a scripter but i also animate, design ui, rig, voice act, build, etc... I've been an event organizer since the end of 2021. I mainly work on theme park related things, but i've also ventured outside this genre with games such as Fame.

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CEO @ Universal Roblox
Founder @ Fantasy Cove
Owner @ CT Towers
Chairman @ Magic Entertainment
Founder @ Universal Roblox

Join lrogerorrit, Dapale, AndrewOfPeace, Grapieee, AwsomeProCrow & Napelit, which are 6 known Roblox theme park developers whilst we discuss about theme parks on the platform: why we've ended doing them, what we think about them, our thoughts and ideas for how theme parks are done on this platform... And after the panel you'll be able to ask us any of your questions.

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0:00:00.3 --> i'll open the q a so i don't know if you guys can see the q a section it's in chat there we go let me just start off by saying no we're not building jaws no they're doing track for the oops yeah so we'll wait a bit for them to be upvoted and stuff right yeah so i'll start so let's order bio there we go okay so let's start with the cedars question um so if you could add any feature on roblox what would it be and why 10 000 player surfers ooh that's some good questions um i should let someone else answer i have to think about it better vr support they are actually adding it so brad who's actually been experimenting with it um yeah like vr support is was horrible because i think it was just basically a remapped controller um it was just a rematch controller input

0:01:00.3 --> and for example jumping was almost impossible i had to like finally jump with the keyboard but uh yeah i think vr like vr is really cool for example i love writing my writing vr and seeing how overscaled i made my stuff but yeah this is tough oh yeah sorry mother um a feature that i think would be probably probably one of my favorite is of course just more support with video frames i can it's something i've been wanting on roblox wrong now that it's finally here it's really cool but uh the fact is just kind of just sitting on the platform not doing anything kind of sucks yeah i would love to see more support there and seeing all the things people are doing with that okay so um bass asks i see a lot of people in the community now get caught up in toxin one-upmanship and drama so

0:02:00.3 --> what is your advice to new developers to avoid these kinds of issues i think so one of one of the things is one of the aspects that crepey brought up and i think it's it it all falls back to one concept which is ego people people are very have very big ego i think they just need to like don't think you're the best or that you'll be the next universal because to be honest it's especially right now like when we started doing our projects roblox was was much smaller there was less things to choose from like i'm not saying you can't be as successful as some groups are but i think it's don't try to do something because you want to be the new universal the new magic the new like roblox point just try to do things because like you want to do them and it's like you try to do your best but don't think you're the best because it's like yeah

0:03:00.9 --> control your ego i think that's that's one of the biggest problems there is yeah and if you're going to create a team uh you have to have a diverse team when it comes to what the each individual does so in our team we have maybe at most two to three builders with maybe somebody else that you can hire for specific projects but then the pilot is the scripting uh simon does the graphics the videos and all that and we and we all let each other do our own work so eventually the overall project is actually completed because if not we'll just be at each other's throats for every single real detail i guess another thing that can help with uh staying away from trauma is just do your own thing and have fun i mean if you if you're not taking things like seriously or just want to just have fun just go for it like stay away from discord and other things and just have fun because just by doing that alone like it just makes

0:04:00.5 --> um the whole development process a lot more enjoyable and honestly if that's what you want if that's what you want to do then just do it okay so walter asks um what do you think about the obsession of people of recreating right i think recreating right is like is as equally valid as uh doing custom right yeah personal rights are like it's like it's really cool to see some things for example disneyland wales for example has a really cool ride i think which like some of them are realized i've seen other like custom movie park has interesting rights but i think it's it's again to what like provo said do do just what you want like don't don't do things because others tell you to do that or because you or don't do things don't like not do things because others may think something of you i think regrading writes it's good because it's a way of saying oh look i love i i i really like this i would like to it's so

0:05:00.7 --> you have like showing your respects for it in a way right and i i love recreating stuff that's why the two projects that i've finished our recreations but i taught myself development through recreating rides and it's a learning process and i mean it's not it's definitely easy creating your own thing and that's why it's not very common for people to do that um and you can learn through just recreating rides and i know people talk about like oh um you're recreating the same right i'm recreating why would you copy me and like it's like that's kind of a dumb way of thinking like it's not even your original idea in the first place so it shouldn't matter but um i think i i really like the idea of people recreating rides because it yeah it like roger said it shows how much you love the ride and like how important it is to you and how you're motivated to to recreate that and it like through the process of doing that it's almost harder in a way

0:06:00.2 --> um because you have to meet a certain standard of the ride like if you're trying to recreate something you have to meet um it has to look like that right so you have to teach yourself teach yourself along the process of creating it like how to how to bend corners to make sure that you your final product looks as close as it can to the real thing when when you um like when on the other hand and you're not recreating something that's straight off your head you can make compromises um and for to make it easier which um you can't do when you're creating a ride okay so um this this i think is an interesting question ghost team bongo asks i worry about getting sued uh so in my case especially because like disney we can save a bit more well hard in this case but uh so i think in a way we all accept that if we're using someone else's like i know for example universal roblox has been like moving away from copyright a lot

0:07:00.7 --> but when recreating something that you're using like an ip or assets from someone else like you always have to know that there's a chance that the game gets taken down you won't get sued because of the way like roblox so now you may get to but it's like you will probably just get at the mca which which is like closer game i think it's just accepting the fact that it may happen like my advice is just don't try to like get money out of something that is not yours i'm not saying that that will make it so you don't get your game removed but it's like um there's always the chance that it can happen i think it's just that we've accepted it yeah i remember when the pokemon thing happened and to get rid of that game i remember the next day of me and the pogba's talking we're like all right we gotta get rid of uh you know nintendo we gotta get rid of everything yeah yeah yeah one thing one thing i think everyone should do should know when they're starting they're having something don't do nintendo stuff you're gonna get closed out

0:08:00.2 --> yeah i would also say uh in in a convoluted way uh universal is fine with us however regardless if they're fine we are as we've mentioned i don't know like a month or two ago i don't know how long it was the weird we are slowly removing all the universal branding the universal studios branding and we're getting away from any soundtrack that we haven't made ourselves so it's an ongoing process right now so but yeah we're moving away from the ip stuff just because we want the game to live on you know even when we're done with it we don't want to get taken down and it's gone forever so it also allows us to make custom stuff oh yeah and there's a lot of benefits too but well everyone will see those when we get to it yeah they're going to shrink 5d now ah yeah it's the 5d trek so bay developer asks um what is your favorite non-famous theme park

0:09:01.7 --> movie park i need to find this one moment i mean real life art roblox parks because i don't know enough in real life parks that aren't fantastic i think i think roblox ones roblox parks i do like movie park by uh uh typos i think yeah yeah i think i think one that i really like so for example this one for example there is one called blocks needle and which i think is like it's a bit because the lights aren't that good but building wise like the landsat thing i find it really nice it's a really nice thing and for example there's another project which is still not open and i think it's very interesting which is that europa park recreation which looks really interesting so i haven't paid attention enough to know i should probably look at being part of more often on roblox i kind of fell off i guess

0:10:02.3 --> i guess probably one of my favorites and um it's outdated now and doesn't work but it was made by moon or one wolf one person it's a auto auto world theme park two and i honestly it's like one of the first theme park games i play on roblox even though it's not being updated it is still um one of my favorite games to look back at because i always thought it was like the coolest thing ever oh yeah the thing the thing she does are amazing it's like um if there's something that just bit like crazy that you think would be cool to build she has probably done it already so for example there's some other the park called hell which i know people like i don't know if logan is insane i know vlogging is in the chat but i know logan does have one but yeah that's another another really cool one second so oh this is another interesting question so puff the pug asks what right did you stop

0:11:00.4 --> sorry what drive did you build a lot of and then stop i'm not gonna say the name of it but it goes uh vroom vroom multiple times um i was thinking it's a magical experience adventure on a motorbike that's what i was saying with one of the coolest trains ever yep oh and it's not it's not opening let me just put the disclaimer it's not happening anymore it was happening epic sorry sorry i was just gonna say uh yeah i have to be careful and i was like uh it was a rushed built and it is like we put parts together and

0:12:01.5 --> there it is and we haven't done any work on it it was like a lot of work but not a lot of work you know like we finished a prototype we finished a prototype we haven't finished anything at the same time i don't know i don't know how to explain that the thing is it was during um coven like at the beginning of the pandemic we had just finished uh alien tech for my part and i was born and i was like oh oh hopefully you can do it never happened so epic ass is there a ride or a ride model you would really want to see recreate on roblox rise the resistance yes and i can actually like a really good one i agree i would love to do that one but i think for example so it's again one of the things about like planning your projects before that we're talking about is like rise of the resistance would be great to do in roblox and most of it can be done but for example the scenes like the exit

0:13:01.2 --> scene so the final thing when you like go down that will be a technical nightmare in a way yeah i mean yeah technically you could like build it like physically but again it would be technical nightmare and stuff for example there's i don't think there's enough audio uploaded like for example another ride i would love to do is i want to run away right away i find it really cool that would be really hard to create without videos yeah yeah and that's for example that's a right that i think you would need an artist i can actually like an actual like 2d animator on your team to do it i i just want to see more dark rides because i know there's a lot of coaches but i'd love to see more dark rides because they are impossible yeah and darkness are very cool i think one of the issues that like bring people like you know like they're like oh maybe i don't want to do dark ride is that they require like i'm not i'm not saying that coasters don't but objectively a dark ride requires much more work than a coaster yeah that's true just by doing fast and furious and stuff

0:14:00.1 --> and like comparing it to alien attack there was a one that took a lot longer rocket over two weeks rocky was a very fast development process it was kind of ridiculous i remember crane was like one day oh look what i'm doing and then the other day was like oh i finished yeah it was it was literally like that like it was like one day he's like i'm doing the lift and the next day he's already done i'm like okay and i think at the same time we've also answered merrick's question which is what is something that you would love to recreate on roblox but are unable to do like to that and due to lack of resources time or any other same examining factors yeah i think it's these these answers like really cool and really cool right but again it's like yeah you could do them but it wouldn't be like it wouldn't be up to my standard at least right it wouldn't be like i could put an audio a bad audio and a static figure but it would just be wrong i would love to build soren over

0:15:00.7 --> california and recreate every single set but i mean that one's one that is doable but yeah um i have 50 million projects a job a part-time job and i'm moving too bad i think i've talked to pro about this before we actually yeah no we definitely know we talked about for a while i want to make um kong after spider-man right right i forgot months after five months after we're done with it not even two days no like um we talked about probably a year ago but um uh i think it's honestly kind of doable like because if you make it into um the same we're doing spider-man where like basically the screens are just physical sets if you just made it physical sets i don't think it'd be too bad but i mean you know um i definitely think it's doable but i don't know if i could ever do have the motivation to do that i thought that

0:16:01.6 --> would be that would be absolutely like amazing to do on roblox it's like the shanghai pirates of the caribbean oh my god what about mystic manner that'd be kind of fun that is true but i mean mystic manner is doable i i've looked like i've actually like i always before doing right actually like research okay so what audio do i have like on my computer i have like 20 30 giga yeah i have a mystic matter of soundtracks it's such a good soundtrack oh my gosh oh yeah it's really good but for example it's like it's not like the full thing like for example honey mansion one of the good things that i had like very localized sound so i can like oh yeah yeah it's not tied to like oh it's it's a one audio that i have to tie everything together yeah like i would i would love to do something like uh the great movie right but like you can't have a character on the actual ride itself and then have it go out i think great great movie ride is actually a turbo right it's just like animating it a lot

0:17:00.9 --> but it's a copyright head let's say it in a way you were worse than most disney rides definitely i think one i'd really like to see which i think might be doable if i don't really remember the entire ride but it's this um oh my the beauty and beast ride that opened that uh what park is that like tokyo yeah yeah there's another one that's another one that's that's another thing of like oh i really want to do this let's do it and then i just never do it exactly yeah but i mean i think that that right is actually like quite doable right yeah no honestly yeah that's pretty because the thing is that for that one you could technically use audios from like the japanese you're in the beast in a way so you could actually merge it and the thing is since people 99 of people wouldn't understand it you can trick them i love that right so much also the uh the studio tour from universal because in order to do it it will have to be like

0:18:01.4 --> 30 40 minutes long and nobody's going to stay watching a virtual ride for 34 minutes okay and this is the same thing we said every time this dude tour gets brought up the whole appeal of the studio tour in real life is maybe maybe you do care about the comic 360 or the fast and furious section but if you don't care about those two sections the whole appeal of the studio tour is to go through actual project you know the places where they actually produce these movies and films a lot right yeah it's a lot to build but also if you're doing it virtually what is the point you're going through fake sets that aren't real which i guess you could say this is about a theme park but at least it's like enjoyable and you experience the sounds and the visuals but the stupid toy is going by fake sets that don't even mean anything i don't know it just seems kind of useless and if it's 30 or 40 minutes long what kind of players are gonna sit through the whole thing so that reminds me of uh the transportation game oh my gosh i remember i remember breaking in and like stealing

0:19:01.1 --> a bus i think yeah that sounds fun that was actually like the first try for uh player retention i actually i enjoyed it i liked it i don't know it wasn't bad it just wasn't i'm surprised people have fond memories of it i i yeah every time it gets brought up like oh my gosh the transportation center i'm like what guys it was like it was like a broken place where you couldn't do anything people were like it was so good the thing is that kids on roadblocks the thing that they most love is driving uh role-playing and then building right and so that was like two things on one because you could roleplay that you were going to i don't know breaking break it into places now it's not that easy but i remember when i was a kid like just putting like when there was invisible walls just like you just found the corner between like two walls and then you jumped you like moved and jumped oh and that would like make you yeah so that's that's one of the bad

0:20:01. --> things i think of like today's roblox which is like there's not so many bugs that you can't exploit to get into places i'd love like for me but when i was when i was able to enter a place and they were like oh no you can't be here like it was like they made my my only objective life to get in there yeah see new roblox it's so lame now because we can't do things we're not allowed to no i liked the idea of it though because i remember like it made it like competitive it's like or at least uh challenging because um whenever you see someone like like breaking into your game it's like it's like oh now i gotta fix this like it made it easier to spot these things so now it's all fixed so it's like i guess it's not i remember brad was brad was showing me it was a glitch that if you like zoomed in to like a corner in a way into like a wall you could like yeah just pass that along the r6 characters

0:21:00.1 --> brad has i don't know if he still has it he had like an entire document of every single glitchable area in universal he said he said he sent me that too it's hilarious i didn't do anything about it because i knew we were gonna switch to r15 but still that is awesome it was like it was so funny um okay so let's see what questions we have um okay so cedar asks uh what's your favorite upcoming roblox theme park uh there's not that many but i would say um crib nations universal park definitely uh i don't know if any other ones really that are in the process of being made i'm gonna have to say again the europa park one because i've not seen that one i haven't seen that one i've seen some videos of it and it looks like really nice for example just today they posted

0:22:01.5 --> this uh one of the things in my creations in the coaster team and i find it like i felt really interesting it's it's i think it's it's one of these projects that you see every like one two years that hopefully you don't get don't die because that's not a thing 50 of your projects or more will die yeah where's the peppa's pig theme park recreation i'm waiting for that it's probably probably probably there already i might go there should i just go there i think i could dude it's like it's like going like if you went to a solo day at disney or something and then you go into the disney junior dance party by yourself that's what i feel like it's just like it's the wrong i mean technically will be a request why florida like why would they felt that years i don't know it was a questionable decision i knew the kids parks are necessary maybe it'll be good i mean it's 40 dollars it has a launch yeah i don't that is a very interesting issue

0:23:01.2 --> because we can enter a big debate with some people i'm really excited for uh zia park or zai park oh my gosh oh yeah i love this park park is really interesting but i think one of the issues um that park has is performance yeah but even then like it's i'm not really like focusing or paying attention too much to the performance i'm just taking like in like how much effort is getting put into the building like right like that is like to be it's insane it's awesome yes insane because i'm still my cat hey go ahead you can go oh okay um so my cat he uh a couple months ago he actually made a a complete exact recreation of a b m invert train and i mean it just shows like his detail how much attention to detail he has because he worked on that thing for weeks i remember being on calls with him and he would just non-stop be working on that thing looking at like every inch of the train

0:24:02.3 --> and he has like every single detail on that right to the t like on that oh yeah and i know that that inverted train like just just let me tell you something for example when you submit a booth to wrapper please optimize it because that's that's the thing that i waste like 90 of my time in optimizing things and his trains like i i was it was to a point where i was actually like moving his booth from room to room because it was just laggy yeah it's it's insane it's super detailed it's crazy i think it's a bit over-the-top sometimes for example like it's a really nice thing but for example something that a lot of people do when building trains is over detailing their wheels and i'm sorry but i think that's a big mistake maybe oh but it's but the thing is that wheels they're like maybe like one two percent of the people who play your game will notice them and they'll be visible for less than five percent of the time

0:25:01.2 --> yep so like making something which is like huge like has a big triangle count and doesn't have to be really big it's just like has like a substantial one it's a waste of resources because the thing is that though that thing even though you don't see it will be loaded in all the time if you're in a coaster for example um somebody asked me a spider-man question in general uh they said yeah it's a quick one are you still waiting for a video frame technology or you're or are you doing like an alternative like sprite sheets or stop motion uh i i mentioned this a little while earlier uh we basically just moved on a while ago actually we realized that it was gonna be we like wait our options and notice that it was gonna be kind of bad to have video frames or anything 2d after completing the whole layout and just seeing how it looked so we decided to just end up making everything a physical set so now such a tedious process it was it was yeah it took a while but now that we

0:26:01.7 --> we got it we got it done it's it's i love it it looks way better than what it would have been are you guys building like a land for it or like the outside of it yeah like how how's that gonna be um we we started doing that very very early on we started doing like the we have the entrance and everything done um and the whole front the queue and everything and we have um superhero island like the the blueprint of it basically uh we have a good amount of like the facades done at least on the the spiderman side we might go back to and finish that um other side i don't know but it was mainly just for photos because i don't i'm i'm mostly focusing on the ride at this point and we'll see where the outside of it takes us talking about cues i beg everyone who's here don't use q systems in your right oh hugh systems i've opened pandora's box i know but let me let me explain my point

0:27:01.2 --> user experience is a really important thing so ux design user experience design is a really important thing when doing your game cues on roblox what like if you think about it it's like what do they bring to your game people are like oh no but it brings more control so people don't um jump line the thing is that the only way you can avoid people from like jumping nine at any point is controlling that character from the moment they enter the queue to the moment they write the right and that includes also setting them in right and one thing that is general for like ux and things is that removing control from player's character is a really bad user experience and the thing is that like if you want to have um queues on roblox to like make money selling a fashion and then it's a valid it's a valid point but the thing is i think people it's like if you do that for that just say that you do it like don't hide it

0:28:00 --> saying it's like oh no it's because it's to have a better user experience because it really just like worsens the user experience so i don't know what you guys think i've always been really like really against the cues on roblox like goose systems uh-huh i i like the cues when they're used in like a moderate way because i mean a lot of people do like cutting the line and i feel like it would be kind of insane to have like a brand new ride opening um we don't have a queue yet for spider-man but i'm thinking about doing it but like i think it would be kind of insane if you have all these people uh moving at their own free will and everyone's like trying to get this like one row and then now you have all these people like standing like in one line like there's 20 people waiting in line for a four seat row and it's just like a mayhem of everyone trying to get in the seat and then you know it's just it seems messy so okay because i know it's it's a controversial thing and we kind of did something not

0:29:01.9 --> very good recently with the qs um so we've been discussing what we can do to remove cues because cues have been a like okay not not necessarily fully removed cues i don't mean like a completely remove them but we were trying to think of different ways we could monetize universal without you know having people wait for a queue because that's kind of uh that's annoying and because one of the things that was very annoying and like that annoys me is every time i go to the park with a group of friends or something like i you know i randomly joined a group um the same thing happens every time where everyone gets in like the queue or whatever and then everyone gets separated and everyone has to wait for each other i think it's stupid and so we're trying to think of ways to remove the lines or make them better so like one of the solutions right now is to just

0:30:01.7 --> completely make it fast like they're uh like the maximum wait time is like two minutes or something like the interval's like five seconds and it just like ten seconds it keeps letting people through and it's what's fast right so express is literally just like an incentive to you know not wait two minutes you know i don't want to make it excessive like when we used to have the queue and it was just like the walking dead when we were experimenting with it there was like actual 20-minute waits there was like 35-minute wait for friend journey it's just i went like an hour once i think like it was a long time and i think i think it was like was that horror nights i think it's one of the things people complain the most it's like like the thing with horror nights was like it's really cool bringing all these good things of the theme parks but bringing the kids like being one of the worst things of steve parks yeah it was a questionable decision a lot of people okay what is i find weird is that once the cues are like done oh i'm sorry once the event finished

0:31:00.5 --> like calling in horror nights people would always be like ah but the lines dude there was like a thing that people would talk about which that was funny but they definitely shouldn't be as like as crazy as they were before you know i don't think yeah i know you reduce the time but i remember originally it was like like maybe like 30 seconds no it was bad and that was i think like the engine i was like that's horrible yeah because the thing is what happens is our game isn't as popular all the time so when we got really busy it got really bad yeah you didn't work with it yeah that's the other thing that's the thing with q system is like if something come so in the moment something like you have you need everything to work correctly something will break always and usually it's a cue system if it's there and i think it's that if if the queue breaks you no one can get into your right yeah no i think i think if people were to keep cues in their rights i think it's a great idea to add a party system to where i mean this could be and it's

0:32:01. --> universal like you guys it'd be really cool to have like um uh because there's already parties in the universe i think they're still there i remember them we got rid of them and there's a friend you can join your friends but we are already adding a party system in the future yeah i think a party system is really cool with the cues which were like you get you get um you go through the queue with your party so like once one person the front person your party goes through the entire party comes through yeah that's what we're gonna do yeah that i like that idea yeah and i mean like i said if we can find the solution that makes like we can avert the express to something else then we will just make the cues walk through instead or maybe like instead of the the manual cues we just make it so you have to physically walk more than the express side i don't know i i don't know i i would prefer that you get full control over the player again and that we don't have to do anything with the parties breaking people up i think the whole point of the parties

0:33:00.5 --> would be so you can like stay together when you go from teleport to teleport to teleport etc yeah i like something for example um how forbidden journey how it's more like it's like most of it is walking it's a bit too long in my opinion in a way but it's like i think it's it's good to just like if you want to just block you just have them walk just but don't make it too excessive and also please people don't slow characters down i know it's annoying puts me on the first okay so moving on blox um asks are there any parts that you think should have more attention or praise astral lakes by by far yeah i think i think i think blue sky slaughter needs this popularity back like are they still updating them i don't think the project's dead does it so run like does it still work because i remember that the game was awesome so the thing is that um so i i used so i used to use this so i bought the system in that so you see frame system that

0:34:00.4 --> thing it's a bit as again it's c frame systems have their like good things are bad things uh it breaks sometimes sometimes it doesn't but i know the last thing they released was indiana jones which wasn't fully finished but i know they wanted to release it because they they knew they didn't work on it in my opinion it's a big shame that that project died because i know some of the things they were doing and it's actually curious to see like some of the devs they used to have it's funny because a lot of big roblox devs come from the theme park community yeah funny when you think about it actually funny thinking oh oh look this person who did jailbreak used to pick who used to make coasters or this person who made death run is to it used to was working on like words of color this is oh yeah wesley yeah so that's a good point though because like that's what i love about the theme park community so much is like it's just like it's like such a diverse

0:35:01.5 --> group of skill levels among developers and when you're just starting out as a new developer theme parks are a great way to get into just roblox development in general that's what i love about it so much okay so um i don't know if you want to answer is this grapey or or broco you see there asks what is the hardest thing on the spider animations yeah well that okay i don't know i think it's actually getting grapey to accept my calls okay i'm a busy man okay okay i'm a busy man but i would say i can't speak on the animations because i don't animate and i know it's definitely hard because that's a lot to animate but um i for my personally i would say like as a team thing it'd be like properly planning the ride especially from the beginning because we had a hiccup where when we were transferring to from flat screens to like where we

0:36:01.7 --> had planned on doing um video frames to when we decided to do 3d scenes we had to reconfigure the entire layout of the ride because it's like some of these scenes are so big that they wouldn't fit because like because we had originally like designed the ride to be to follow the exact layout of spider-man um and it's still uh so so whenever we decide to change the 3d scenes there are some scenes that were deeper than obviously than a flat screen so the ride would go behind it and it would it would collide so we'd have to like alter the layout a little bit and honestly now like because i honestly forgot that we've had to do that because looking at it now it doesn't even look like we had to change anything because we had spent so much time trying to make it as close as possible that we could um like as close as possible as possible to the original layout so that like it's not obvious that it's not following the normal layout if to to the average person who's written the report and that was just so difficult because it was like it was so painful having to like

0:37:00.5 --> we had to make a whole new place and individually copy and paste every every um section of the ride back into the game and reconfigure the entire um layout of the ride and then pro had to go back in and redo the entire ant ride animation don't forget how to animate and i had to animate the entire flying scene which i would still which i still have to fix but right and so yeah so he had because he had pro had originally um animated the ride scene for the normal layout and so once we had to move everything forward to redo the entire ride layout which took so long such a busy motivation blocks still not done still not done okay so i think we'll do one more question um and it's it's not one of the most worried ones but i was looking through all the questions i think this was this is an interesting one so mikey the game master asks was there any original ride ideas you had at one point

0:38:01.4 --> oh yeah for sure i've definitely had phases where it's like i've seen a ride and it was like i love this concept of ride and then i go on like a tangent for like a week and a half of like making my own um dark ride or something and being like this is how it's going to go and then never finishing it i don't know of any i can't remember any though i think trying to do like when i was working on parts like um blocks world or um there's no ways i think like i really appreciate it like i want to appreciate like all the like work into like getting a good story for a ride and it's not that trivial getting ideas like good ideas is hard without like you can base it off something but it's like really hard to just like instead of basing just try to recreate and just change something and say oh no it's custom so i think it's it's uh yeah um most of the stuff we've been working on

0:39:00.2 --> the universal team directly it's mostly inspired by real life stuff but it's still like a completely original layout and original like setup but that's kind of where we're going for future stuff if i say anything the power will kill me yeah okay so let me finish the q a so i think that's everything for today uh once again i would like to thank everyone who has been here all the people in the chat of you who were in the chat and especially to grapey andrew and pro crow and the pair and also tonight blitz um who sadly couldn't make it um but uh they have been all for today i don't know if any of the people here would like to say something before we close today's event yeah i would just like to announce that uh joking oh no just give me some anxiety oh no nice guys but

0:40:01.1 --> push hashtag check for the in the chat please oh i'm gonna say this to to i i've only just been here to talk with spider-man i guess but first of all i it was really great being here i love talking about i can really talk about this all day um and uh i really like the enthusiasm of a lot of people really i'll get to the spiderman thing but i like the enthusiasm of people when like now trying to build um new parks because a lot of things have been a lot of um tools and stuff are more mainstream because i remember starting out and being like kind of on my own because um there weren't a lot of resources to go through and to get in there weren't a lot of people who were making d parks at the time like what two three years ago and i've seen it grow like a bunch and it's way better now like trying to get started out because there's always we have groups of people who will help you and we'll like give you um tips on how to do better and like like exactly why we're here today but um

0:41:00.7 --> yeah but the spider-man thing uh uh we are planning on another teaser planning i haven't even started but planning so that's what i was gonna say but yeah yeah it's been nice um it's been nice to be it's in the building uh sorry i just told you he said it he said it um no uh it's been good to do this this is a lot of fun i like talking about roblox theme park stuff i'm sure we could do this at some other point again in the future but yeah i had some fun thank you for having me um you know i just want to say something real quick uh you know just have fun stop you know getting into fights with people uh you know it's supposed to be a fun thing to do building stuff on roblox so uh you know take your time don't rush and

0:42:00.8 --> uh keep learning i think that's the biggest tip i can have to anyone and i guess i'll say someone too i mean uh thanks for uh having me on here it was great uh talking all the roblox teamwork stuff with you guys it was just like really fun for the past two hours just listening and hearing what you guys are saying and um i guess just in general is just seeing like just being here with you guys is honestly just really cool because like me like four years ago like i would have never imagined like oh not too much on the roblox in the roblox community so this has been really great thanks guys epic okay so um i think well just before everyone leaves once again thank you this was my first event i'm actually quite happy with it um i think uh well you should probably have already received the email it's automated but there's a questionnaire with what you guys have

0:43:02.6 --> what you think about the event i would really appreciate it if you guys answered it it's it's a really big way for us like for us in my case the event organizer to know to get feedback from the people who were in the event and there's also a question i added that if you wanted if in any case i did more events like these which developer you would also like me to add or to have in this uh chat so yeah thank you everyone i will upload i'll prob well we'll probably let you know where this will be uploaded it will probably be a little bit my youtube channel um and i try to upload it as soon as i can so thank you everyone um thank you great andrew awesome and pro crow and the fail and also thank you to nate and hashtag bring forty shrek foreign all right see you guys later guys all right see you guys epic

0:44:00. --> gotta end it on the epic note see you guys

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Challenges to Opening a Roblox Theme Park (ft lrogerorrit)
Posted Mar 18, 2023 | Views 27.4K
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