UGC Catalog
# German
# Workshop
# Tutorial
How To: UGC Erstellen (Wiederholung)
Wolltet ihr schon immer mal UGC Creator auf Roblox werden?
Ich zeige euch in diesen Workshop wie ihr der nächste große UGC Creator auf Roblox werden könnt.
Von den Ressourcen, die du benötigen, bis zum endgültigen Upload ist alles dabei, was du zum Erstellen eines UGC wissen musst.
Popular topics
# Workshop
# Q&A
# Tutorial
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# Inspire24
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TheReal4Cedar123, SplitYourGamming10 & Coldshipp · Sep 10th, 2023
Learn about the new mazes and scare zones at a special Q&A event on September 10th, 7pm BST. During this event, you will gain exclusive details about the new mazes and scare zones, be shared behind-the-scenes insights from the MovieWorld team, and have the chance to ask your questions about Fright Nights!?
# Building
# Community
# Panel
# Q&A
This event will be going over the process of exporting, fitting, and uploading a UGC accessory. You have to be in the UGC program to upload a UGC accessory however the exporting and fitting part is useful to everyone! This is to provide some helpful insight for current UGC creators as well as useful tips/information for those who aren't in the program for when it goes public. This will be a pretty laid back stream in comparison to my other ones so if you have any questions about UGC that you'd want to ask feel completely free to ask me!

TeaCem · Jun 28th, 2023
In this event I'll go over the process and specifics of texturing a UGC Avatar Accessory utilizing my preferred method, texture nodes. This will teach you things about texturing as well as some of the key differences between texturing for a game compared to modeling for the Roblox Catalog. This will only be going over the texturing portion of the process, stay tuned for the last event in this series that will go over uploading.
# Texturing
# Avatar

TeaCem · Jun 15th, 2023
In this event I'll go over the process and specifics of modeling a UGC Avatar Accessory. This will teach you things about 3D modeling as well as some of the key differences between modeling for a game compared to modeling for the Roblox Catalog. This will only be going over the modeling portion of the process, stay tuned for more events that will go over texturing/uploading.
# Avatar
# Modeling
Interested in learning how to create user-generated content (UGC) accessories on Roblox? This event will teach you how to create accessories on the platform, as well as the software and resources you'll need, and tips on how to make your items stand out. There'll also be a spotlight and Q&A at the end!
# Art
# Modeling