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An Introduction to Roblox Studio

Posted Jun 09, 2023 | Views 35.3K
# Building
# Art
# Development
# Game Design
# Modeling
Event Organiser @ Roblox

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.

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Within this event, I covered the basics of Roblox Studio. Here I will show you how to do things within studio, build, and prepare you to make a successful game.

Having made a few popular games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios, this event was designed for beginners to help them create games and become successful within the platform.

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0:00:00.1 --> hello everyone and welcome to this Roblox event short stream so today I am going to be going over the sort of basics of Roblox Studio which people will be able to understand how to navigate around Studio how to build and sort of Basics around that point so what I'm going to be doing is sharing my screen so you'll be able to see it so what I've done around here is basically add a few parks for people to have a look around um and Aggies four so far so this one part here is basically a one stud block and within Roblox studio all of the parts are made with one stud you can go into Point studs and you can basically move around with them and build with

0:01:01.1 --> them show you I thought in this minion thing I will go over sort of what you can build with these because if I get a normal block it looks like this and I'm hoping by the end of this event I will be able to sort of show you how you can build Basic Park basic different things so let me start this over again and if I click on the apart boxing which is just up here and click on it it will give me this object here and while we've got mozzle at the top left I'm going to click on that and we get all of these options and many of them may seem confusing at first but what I am going to be doing is sort of adding onto them and adding a bit more part sweating away so we've got the rotate and move option here and what I'm going to do is

0:02:03.1 --> put one here and another one there by default you may not have these numbers so if you just click on them you can type in whatever number you want and you can do it for both of them this will basically determine to Roblox Studio how many parts you want it to do and we've got one stud or sort of one shelf to rotate with so I'm going to be using one sub today and when you use the template there is a sort of basically and on the base plate we've got all of these sort of square box marks and these are basically one stud markers so over here we've got the one stud the two stud a three stud and a four stud and I'm going to show you got one stuff so use some sections we've just changed

0:03:01.7 --> up here I'm going to use the scale tool which is just here so we have the three different options we have a move option which allows us to move our objects around and we've also got the move option which lets us move the object up and down we can move it up we can move it across it sort of gives us the complete freedom to move it wherever we would like next we have the scale tool so we can scale it however big we want it so if we want it about eight studs we could do this we could move it up we can also make it even wider if we wanted to so now we have a box called Monster Box there we go um and you've sort of got lots of different options around

0:04:01.3 --> so it's at the moment eight studs by eight studs by eight and for a mini house we're going to be doing we're going to start using one shot blocks so we have one studs here so at the moment this is a one stud sort of Base part so if we move this along we could move it across a little bit up a little bit and then we have a sort of bigger block which looks like this one so where we've got the buttons up at the top we have home module Avatar test View and plugin so now we're going to click Avatar and with all of these options once again we're going to click on rig Builder

0:05:01.3 --> and then we are going to click R15 and then we're going to choose mesh Avatar 2016. this will give us a sort of mini demo Roblox character which we'll be using a sort of a guideline of how big our mini house needs to be so what we're going to do is make this a one stove that buy one stud Parts again and we want to sort of rotate it it will not rotate its scale it a bit so we are able to have a rig in a way for a template for the house to be so if we start building walls we're going to have like this then we're going to duplicate it which we can right click on here and we've got

0:06:02.8 --> all of these different options we're going to click duplicate which is this option right here and then well we've got scale if we click on that we've got these different color options we have a reg option a green option a blue option if we move the reg option we are able to drag it across again and then we can drag it across here and then as you can see we've sort of got a shape starting to appear so for this I'm going to drag it over here again and we could if we wanted to just duplicate this game duplicate and then we can drag it across here and sort of do it like that again but I'm going to show you a different way so if you click on here hold Ctrl on your

0:07:01.4 --> keyboards you're able to click on this part as well and then suddenly we can move both of them at the same time so if we click on the rotate button which is the one just up here again we can right click on our two parks and then we can do duplicate again if we move over onto our rotate again it's quite similar to the scale tool but we have the three different color options so if we press the green one we're able to rotate our part and we can rotate it all the way around and we can have it in any direction we could have it this way we could have it like that it sort of gives us more freedom so if we turn our rotate up to about 25 this is 25 degrees and it gives us more and it sort of locks in a way your part can move so it

0:08:03.9 --> doesn't move in a sort of quite difficult way so for our house we really want it in about a five option in a way so it gives us all the different parts we can move it to down here and we're going to want to rotate it about here so now we have a sort of big rectangle for our Avatar to go inside of but if we run our game which we go home and play once the game loads we'll sort of see an issue we might have of our house so far and one of the main issues that we may have is in a way it won't look how we want it to so far so if it looks okay but if I were to walk put in it

0:09:01.4 --> it sort of all falls over and starts to go a bit sort of strange which isn't very good for a house because you want your house to sort of stay up anyway so if we click on stop the reason behind this is we haven't anchored our part so if we click on all of our objects which is all five so that one that one that one and also our Avatar we can click on the anchor button which is right here and this anchor battling will stop all the parts moving and it will mean we can sort of go inside our house about it falling on top of us so if I was to duplicate this part once again we will be able to move it around but an issue with our house currently is there's no good way for us to getting

0:10:01.7 --> started so what we're going to do now is builds a door using an object called a union and to make a union you go onto model and you click on the negate button which is basically a way to it makes your part red and you can use this part to basically remove different bits out of our house so if we click on this hole here and we also click on this reg object if we click on the union button it will basically cut out a little hole where our window or where our door should be and we can do that again so if we get another part we could move it here we could make it about this big we could use the move tool move into this part

0:11:01.1 --> and we can use it here we click on negate again we can duplicate it which is down here and duplicate click on the Move tool move the parts around and we suddenly have two red block poking in our sort of door frame part so if we click on control click on both of these red objects and then click on our wall once again we can do Union and then suddenly we have a window and a door so if we click on play we should be able to go inside of our house be able to have a look around and hopefully the walls won't be moving around and sort of make it difficult for our Avatar so in a way the anchor part stops the house falling away and the union cuts

0:12:01.3 --> out objects so if we walk inside the house we can have a look and we can walk through the doorway and we've also got these windows and we also have our rig Avatar so so far it's looking quite good but now you sort of need to add some more color and even the Ruth so first if we add a texture we can select all four parts and if we move on to the material manager which is this button right here it will open this window here and you can drag this window wherever you would like we could put it over here or we could put it over here so we have a wide range of different materials we could use but most of the time a house is made of brick so we're going to click on brick here and click on this little icon just here

0:13:01.5 --> and this will add the brick texture towards our little house but it doesn't look quite right it's sort of like a white Brick House so if we click all four parts once again we can click on this color button here and this will give us a wide range of different colors we could use and he says many to choose from but a house is around a sort of dark red color so if we try possibly this one nope that's not quite right if we try to try a pinky sort of color there we go but you can see this part hasn't changed color but if we go on here and change it we can make it any color and it won't do anything and the reason behind that is a union by default will keep the color it used before we turn it

0:14:02.1 --> into one so what we want to do if we click on view here we're able to click on different windows and our Globes of different sort of things to open so one of the windows we're going to need is a Wingo called properties which is this big boxing right here if we click on it it will bring open this window which at the moment doesn't do anything but if we click on the union part which will go on just here it would give us all of these different options and here we can lock the parts so we can't move it we could change the gift from sort of material the reflectance or within the transparency which would be quite helpful for later on when we make a window but the main issue here is we want to use you part color

0:15:01.1 --> so if we click on the little click box here it will change the part color to match everything else which works really well for being eager for so at the moment we have all the walls for our house but we're going to move back onto the home button and we're gonna have to add some windows so once again if we click on the part button we can move this little part around but we're going to want to put this part inside our Wingo so if we move it here we've got this part and we can move it around here and we could have it covering everything but a window doesn't want to be smooth and completely in line with the bricks in a way so we're going to have to turn the base count for the part a bit lower so at the moment we have one stud

0:16:01. --> but if we click on home and model we can change the one studs and we're going to want to typing 0.5 and this will basically allow us to make the part a little bit smaller and we'll be able to sort of move it a little bit more than what we originally could so the issue with this currently is it goes in one side but not the other so what we're going to talk to do is to change this to 0.1 and use the move tool and this will basically allow us to move the part a little bit just so then we could have our window working on both sides and have a little part ingent so we have one window here and if we right click on the part we can

0:17:00.8 --> duplicate it again and we're going to want to turn this move back to one stud it just makes everything a little bit easier for us so if we use the move tool once again we can move the part and we can cover our windows but as I mentioned earlier we want our Windows to be sort of transparent in a way so you can look through it so if we hold to control on our keyboards again we can click on both of these sort of parts move on to the material manager which we opened up earlier and we're going to want to look for graphs which you've got one just here change the texture so it's made of glass but we still can't see through the window so if we do both of these click both of them using control and move over to our properties tab

0:18:00.6 --> we're going to want to move on to transparency so for our window we're going to want 0.5 which means we can sort of look through our windows and it sort of adds a little effect and if we want to we could make it a little bit more transparent so there we go you can look through it and it works quite well we're going to have writer glass what we're going to want to do is change the color to look more like a window sort of tint so if we choose this blue option we have our blue windows but don't forget if we start the game all of our parts are going to fall back through so what we're going to want to do is to Anchor again which will basically stop our Windows falling apart and it will mean we can do it so if we click on play once again we can move into the game and we can

0:19:00.7 --> have a look and see if it still works and if our house is good so far so here we go we've got our little house which works really well we can walk through it and we've got our two windows for us to look through and if we walk into the building it doesn't fall apart which is perfect for what we need but at the moment we've got quite a small house and it doesn't have a roof on so if we stop the game we're going to work on a mini roof for this little house so what we've been doing at the moment is click on Parks and we've been getting this sort of part and then we could change the color to however we want we've got all of these different options but we don't really want a flat roof so when we click on part normally there's a little arrow underneath it and when we click on that it gives us a

0:20:02.8 --> few different options we have a block option a spear option a wedge Corner wedge and cylinder so a spear is a ball and we can move this ball pretty much anywhere we've got a wedge which adds a sort of mini slope which we're able to drag around we can make it however big we want the next one is a corner wedge which we can use sort of like a side ramp if we wanted it to be and we can move it up here like this way we've got these four so far and then we've got a cylinder which works quite well if you want to build a sort of Tower or we want to build

0:21:00.4 --> a sort of support frame but the one we're going to want to use for our roof is going to be a wedge and this works we can drag around using our select tool and holding with your mouse you can move this part around and if we move this onto our roof here we're going to use the scale tool and we're going to cover our roof over and once we do that we sort of have a slanted roof style for our house but once again we're going to walk to agavital color to it so selecting the part we give color click on the whatever color option you want so I'm going to choose medium red click on the material manager again

0:22:01. --> and we're going to look for a good one for our roof so I think a good option for our roof could possibly be a slate truth or we could do a roof such as concrete if we wanted to but a good one if we use maybe selectral roof we're going to later on I have to build a floor so if we anchor this currently our house looks like this and when we go inside we've sort of got a basic base plates so moving on to here again we're going to click on block we're going to move our block around again and we're going to want to put it inside our house so using the move tool once again you're going to move your part around

0:23:00.9 --> and we're going to cover the floor but the issue with this currently is the part's a bit too big so moving on to model again we're going to change the studs option and we're going to move it to 0.1 where if we type in 0.1 here we're able to move this part all the way down and here we go we've got a sort of basic floor for what we need and we're going to talk to make it sort of carpet effect so on the material manager again we're going to have a look for a fabric material and this fabric material will basically give us a option to a carpet onto our house so if we click on fabric here we have this pink carpet but we're going to let's decide a Green

0:24:02.8 --> carpet so now when we move around our house we've got quite a different range of colors for our house and different material crafts to use and don't forget to Anchor your floor and if we run our game we can sort of have a look around and see what we think of this house so the house Works what we need to but later we're going to have to sort of extend it so we can add some more things into it so here's the house so far we've got our roof we've got our sort of parked all the way around and then if we go inside our house we've got our brick character which we used earlier on and we've also got our carpet effects down here so with what we're going to do now

0:25:00.5 --> it sort of adds a little Garden area outside this whole sort of mean if someone could visit our house they could have a little look around and sort of visit our nice little garden so for this we're going to use a part again and we're going to want to put the part just outside go on to model and keep our move back at 0.1 using the scale tool we're going to push it all the way back down and we're going to extend it again but if we change it back to one start it will make it much easier for us to move around so for this we're going to make it a little bit bigger than our house and we're also going to extend it and using the material tool again we are

0:26:00.7 --> going to look for grass which is this one and we're going to talk to my car grass about a dark green circle color a clip on anchor and now we've got a little bit of grass outside of our house and this worked quite well but it looks a bit boring we don't really have sort of any fencing or any path so what we're going to do now is build a mini sort of fence for the outside of our house which will work quite well for what we need so if we change our color and turn it to Brown we can move on to the material manager and we can look for a good sort of fence material which for this would be wood and click on scale again and we're able to move our parts around and we could build a mini fence but offenses are quite big we can't sort

0:27:02.7 --> of build the things like this it won't look right so what we're going to do is move on to 0.5 once again and see now we have a sort of basic effect of our sense and if we grab our little Avatar here we're able to move our Avatar put it here and using the scale tool we could move it up again and if we right click and click on duplicate we're able to use the move tool once again and we can drag it right across over here and shock to build a mini fence so if I do duplicate once again duplicate and drag it over here I'm able to sort of start to build a

0:28:00.3 --> mini fence for our Avatar once again duplicate and I can move it back down here and this is sort of the basic effect for our fence but it looks okay but if we want to add a little bit more detail we could make these study part even smaller so we could do 0.25 once again chain to the scale and we would be able to make it a little bit smaller and 0.1 studs again we can drag it across and suddenly we have a little bit more detail on our fence if we want to go over more detailed we could do duplicate once again and suddenly we have a little thing starting to form okay we can move it down and then suddenly we've got a sort of

0:29:02.5 --> mini thanks and as I mentioned earlier we could use the properties but if we click on the Explorer button which is the one here it will open up this sort of tab for us which shows us all of the parts we've used so far so if we click on this part and all the ones we've just used for our fence we can currently move it around but if in the future I ever wanted to move it all at once as soon as I go and select it it will only move one object so if we click it all and move on to our Explorer tab we can right click and click on group as a model and this will turn into a module which means we can drag the whole object we've made around our map

0:30:01.8 --> and at the moment it's called mozzle if we right click on it we can rename the file so we're going to call this file fence and now we have a sort of thanks template we could use around our garden so if we click on duplicate we can move this whole model once again and suddenly we have a mini fence we can use and we can use this thanks all the way around our garden and if you click on control we can select all three of them so far and we could move our little fence over here and we can make our graph a little bit bigger just so our thanks will work on it and then we can use a disk thanks over here right click and do duplicate and now we're

0:31:01.6 --> going to talk to rotate our thanks once again and using the move tool we can drag our little thanks over here we can drag it here but as you can see we've got a little Gap there and this fence doesn't quite line up and that's because we've made our things a little bit smaller than one stud so if we change it back to 0.5 we can select these three fences and move it back over and if we click on this little fence here we can also move this little fence back where it needs to be and now when we move around it works quite well for what we need so if we go duplicate right click and click on duplicate we're able to move the flank once again and right click duplicate if we change it back to one again

0:32:03.5 --> we can do it here and we can do it here and at the moment we've got our little house and you may be wondering what this sort of symbol is here and this is basically the spawn point for your avatar so when you start the game your avatar will go to a robot wherever one of these are so what we're going to do is move it all the way over here and it means when we start our game once again we'll start a little bit further away from where our house currently is and it will mean we can sort of look around from a distancing away and the one little thing I have forgotten to do is to Anchor your fence because at the moment we can just walk up to our fence and we can knock it all

0:33:00.8 --> over so because we make a model it makes it much easier for us to do that so if we click on all of these little fences here we're able to select so these parts over here and we're able to click on anchor but as I already mentioned if we want to move all of these Parks not just by the facts we're going to want to move all of them to change the color for example if we click on all of these and right click we click on group as a folder this will basically mean unlike the fence which we can move around just by itself we can turn into a folder which means we can interact with it and change the color to anything we would like it to be but one thing we can't do is sort of

0:34:00.7 --> drag it all in the normal way what it does mean though is we're able to move it as a different sort of effect so if we click on folder and the move tool we can drag it over here and it sort of allows us to move it all the way around our map so now we've got our little house you can walk into our house and inside we've sort of haven't got very much in it so what we're going to want to do now is to sort of build a little sort of table and chair for our Avatar to go and have a look and sit with so if I spawn in a new part I can change the color of it I can make it brown and what we're going to want to do is to

0:35:00.1 --> rotate it going to the material manager and we're going to make it wood once again but this is quite a big chair the egg it's almost bigger than our avatars foot so once again we are going to go 0.2 studs on our model tab and we're going to click scale and what we're going to do is make it much smaller for us so then we suddenly have one table leg s here yeah um and we can move it and move it over here and what we're going to do is move it back to 0.5 if we click on Ctrl 1 2

0:36:00.7 --> duplicate we can move it around and we're able to do is sort of add a little bit of detail to our table so duplicate scale and if we drag it across here we can add our little table effect on the top little table top it's a bit bigger already so if we move back to 0.2 we can start to add little bits of detail on our table leg and we're going to make it a little bit thinner so now we have a little table for our Avatar if we click on all five parts again and we do a group as a model click on that we can then rename our model and we can call it table

0:37:04. --> and we can click on anchor up here so now it means we have a little table I'm pressing the select button we're able to drag it into our house but if we want a more precise location we can click on move we can drag it and we can drag it into our short little house we've built so now it means when our Avatar goes in they can go and have a look around and then they can go to our table but we're also going to want to build a little table with chairs because there's no point just having a table so once the game loads if we have a look through it we're going to move over here and we have our little table so what we're going to talk to do now is to move all of our

0:38:02.9 --> we're going to talk to my table over because at the moment you can only fit one chair in so if we go rotate we can go move move over here and we're able to move it over just a little bit and yeah we're going to want to build a little table with a chair so what we could do we could duplicate this table and we could do it in a little quicker way so we currently have it as a module but if we right click what we're able to do is ungroup the model and it will turn it back into a part for us so a table chair a surf of table needs to be a little bit smaller so what we're going to do is move these parts over a little bit

0:39:00.9 --> and if we drag our little rig Avatar we're able to sort of develop how our chair is going to look without having to you keep playing the game and testing it out so if we move it over here we sort of have the basics of our chair coming through but we've saved lots of time by already using our table sort of temporary thing up there so if I move this part up here we now have this sort of basic Parks but we're going to talk to make it a little bit smaller so it's a bit lower down for our Avatar and then we're going to want to add a sort of back onto it so what we're going to do is change the skeleton to a 0.5

0:40:04.8 --> and we're going to move it all the way up and all the way back up here and now we're going to want to duplicate this part once again and if we move our table our chair back where our Avatar is going to fit we're able to move it back to 0.25 and we're starting to develop the back of our chair but our chair source it looks quite good but it needs to be a little bit higher in a way so if we move it back up a little bit we can do that but our working chair could be quite uncomfortable so to add even more detail what we could do is part duplicate again

0:41:00.7 --> and we're going to add a little bit of fabric onto our shirt to sort of add a tiny bit of detail now this could be a little pillow for our Avatar to sit on so if we move to 0.1 studs we can poke it up a little bit but even then it's still quite a big pillow in a way so we're going to do 0.05 stopped now and it's sort of like a tiny little bump on the chair and we're able to change the color and moving on to the material manager we're able to go back to where fabric is change the color and now we've got a sort of fabric effects to add on to our chair to make our chair look a bit more comfortable so here we go we have our little chair

0:42:00.2 --> so if we click on all of our parts we can do it this way but the more things we build it's going to be more difficult to do so if we click on select and hold down our left click on our Mouse we're able to just select it creates this sort of box effect and we're able to select all of our objects and now if we group it sort of done it all for us so instead of manually having to click all of the different parts we can just select it so we've got this chair but the issue with it currently is when we start the game we can go on our chair but we can't actually sit down on the chair which we kind of need if we're going to have a chair with a table so what we're going to have to do is to add a object called a sheet which allows our

0:43:01.4 --> Avatar to just walk onto it and sit down instead of being able to stand on it so if I stop the game and we go back into it if we click on our model and we click on this little plus arrow which you've just noticed a while model if we click on it we get all of these different options and what we're going to do is type in sheet and we've got two options we have a sheet and a vehicle seat and for this chair we're going to just click on seat and we get this part but it's a bit different from the normal part because it's a different color and this means it's for a chair well it's not for a chair for a sort of seats for our Avatar to use but what we're going to do is make it quite small we're going to Anchor it and move them back onto the properties tab

0:44:02. --> we're going to make it invisible so if we look at our chair it looks like quite a gig originally but upon a starting the game now we're going to be able to sit down on it and we're able to sort of Hugo chair more than what we cook originally so we went for game loads I will show you what it looks like now so we can walk up to it and we can now sit on our chair and it works quite well so now we've made this silk share what we're going to talk to do is to duplicate that and we're going to move it inside of our house and if we move it up to our table we can use the rotator we can rotate it back around and now we have a sort of table and chair for our Avatar to sit at

0:45:03.8 --> and it looks quite good so this is sort of the basic part of our house which means now you've done your one house you can duplicate it in a way of being able to sort of add more to your house so if we duplicate it if we remove the parts we currently have here we're able to move around and we're able to select everything duplicate and we can move our whole entire house all the way around and we can change the part color over here and if we make this blue I make all of these blue we now have two little houses for our

0:46:02.6 --> avatars use and this could be for your friends to use so if we do play play here this is a different option to our normal one because the painting where our camera is sharks so I moved my camera near the blue house which means I'll spawn here instead of over here and now I can walk into this blue house and we've got our little chair to sit on or another way we could go into the Pink House so now we have two houses which allow two friends two going out their own house and this is sort of the basics of Roblox Studio because now we've got these we can sort of Explore More

0:47:03.8 --> earlier we could duplicate we could move these parts over and we could drag it across and if we change the park color we can change it to Brown or we could do gray or we could do any color we wanted click on material manager move to concrete we can sort of start to develop more for our house so if we do duplicate again we can move this part all the way over and move our spawn out the way and move the rig out the way and if we duplicate this again we could move it across we could drag it over here but if we want to exact we can use the move tool and we can drag it all the way across

0:48:00. --> over here and we're able to have three different parts if we click on here and change this to Black we're sort of starting to develop a little road so once again if we duplicate this and if we were to make it white we could move it around and start to add like a little line for our road to go on but the issue is it's quite difficult to get into the center of our road so where we earlier use the properties tab just for our moving object we could use it to add and modify the size and by manually typing it so where we've got transform here we've got x y and z

0:49:01.1 --> and dragging the part it will change the size so what we're going to talk to do is to change this to a 0.1 and click enter and this will add a line in a way for what we need so this means we can modify it and we can get this sort of exact location so now we've got a little white line for our road and it sort of means we've got a rose and we've got a house for our Avatar to use and be able to explore with so now we've got the basics of our house that's sort of the main part of robot Studio and the one sort of last thing I wanted to show you is another option we can use called the toolbox and you can find it

0:50:01.8 --> by going on view toolbox and this basically gives us all sorts of models made by the community and we've got the different categories up here which allows us to anyway develop our game a bit more so if we were to click on the vehicle we could use a different model Wicks we haven't made but someone else has so if we click on this police car for example we'll get this little Warner message saying it has a strict thing and will basically be able to add a model which we haven't made but we're able to use so we have this car here and what we're going to want to do is to run our game if we do play here we can basically try our little car and

0:51:00.7 --> we should be able to drive around the map and what it basically means is not only can we build but we could use possible models which we haven't made but we could use it to develop our Gamers a bit more so if I go into this vehicle I can now drive around our little rogue we've made but it sort of adds more into the game so it works quite well so that is sort of the basics of Roblox Studio and something I'll be doing later on is moving on to different ways to develop your game so next we're going to look at scripting and sort of other ways you could add to your game because this is sort of the introduction which goes over all the different basic parts like building and everything start again so over the next few events I will be

0:52:02.2 --> doing a few more of these and I hope this sort of helps everyone who's beginning to use Roblox and what I'll be doing very soon is after this event is over I will be sharing the link if you would like to use this Morgan one you want to use it in your game I'll make it free for anyone to use and then you can sort of use it to begin to develop your Roblox skills in a way so I hope that helped anyone wanting to use Roblox Studio as I say I'll be giving more events very soon and I want to thank everyone for watching this event so I hope everyone had a good day and I will see you all later

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