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Behind the Scenes of Phoenix Studios (Q&A)

Posted Nov 25, 2023 | Views 46.5K
# Q&A
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A random nerd on the internet.

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Fans were able to join us for a behind-the-scenes look at Phoenix Studios!

This was a great chance to learn about the studios. You get to hear from the people who create the shows you love and ask them any questions you have.

Whether you're interested in the shows, the team, or anything else, this was an event you didn't want to miss. It was also a great opportunity to meet other fans of Phoenix Studios games and make some new friends.

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hello everyone and welcome to behind the

scenes of Phoenix Studios today I'll be

joined with four members that

are in the studio so let's

begin so I think it's probably best all

of you introduce yourself so let's start

with Cold how about you introduce yourself

and then yeah everyone

else well hello everybody my name is ColdShipp

I'm the founder of Phoenix Studios

and I'm in the producer of all of our

shows that we've been working on uh I've

been with the group since the beginning

and um yeah I'm really happy to be here

why doesn't um my good friend Crim go up

next what's going on y'all it's your the

host of the crimon ad show Crim memes

I'm here to present anything any

questions you have on Phoenix Studios

and I'm just going to give some insight

on our group I'm passing the mic to

batles what's up it's me B I've been

writing bits for most of the shows and

um basically I'm really

underappreciated any support would be

lovely um I'm passing the mic over to my

best friend

cookies oh hey it's me cookies um host

of The Superior show

subjectivity I think we the first

question noted noted so the first one

it's probably aimed at all of you but

likely to be cultured as the main person

um so what is seeo like what you do and

how B it

start all right well I'll let everybody

kind of give their in here but um

Phoenix Studios has gone through a lot

of different stages it's become very

different things over time mostly

because the cp's always been trying to

kind of find its footing kind of trying

to find what it wants to do uh Phoenix

Studio started a while ago back in I'd

say 2015 is when it kind of its first

iteration started up but we've been on

Roblox since 2018 we started with game

development and then I believe it was in

late 2021 where we decided to move over

to film making show Making and all that

stuff if anybody else wants to give kind

of their their input uh go right

ahead I'll go ahead and start us off so

um I joined Phoenix Studios a couple

years ago um by by complete accident and

um first at first I was um you know

making jokes and stuff I didn't take

anything seriously and I still don't but

at least this time I'm more well


but point is this group is awesome I've

been with these guys for years and um

everyone here is a hard dedicated


preach yeah um I I joined very recently

I'm like the newest out of everyone in


VC uh but like everything so far Phoenix

has just been great it

it's from what I see as it's just uh a

group where a bunch of guys can have fun

and post it on the

internet well personally right I've been

in Phoenix since 2020 and I've been I've

been I haven't really been active um in

it since like I guess a year or two ago

when I was offered a job by a coip here

but realistically working on this kind

of stuff and even like scrapping most

stuff I've worked on like mostly it's

not about the destination it's about the

journey right I've enjoyed being here

I've enjoyed

working okay um what would the main

reason for the group starting like how

did it begin from the very start the

cold begin it or was there an idea you


before uh should I take this one yeah go

ahead yeah right so um like I said

Phoenix Studios started back in 2015

um yeah I was kind of the one who

started it before but I did have some

help from other people uh a lot of

people will know you know the names um

Tamer stto he was one of the first ones

to joined me we've I've known Tamer

since we were little um since we were

like nine years old and it was around

that time when we said wouldn't it be

cool if we did like a little like a

group at first it was just with our

friends and we do like stuff on

Minecraft so we had like this Minecraft

server uh it was on medrock though it

wasn't nothing too serious because none

of us had computers at the time

uh but we we' make this Minecraft server

and we'd make these mini games and we

just play on it for fun uh I also had my

other friend David who I talked to still

but not as much but he was also one of

the first guys and then later on you

know I met some other members like like

Jory who's no prominent member of the

group uh like I said it was in 2018 when

we did to switch over to Roblox uh we

still very much had the idea planted on

our head go and make games and we there

was attempts but most of them well

didn't really work out that's why he

kind of shifted over to movie making

which is doing a lot better

for okay awesome so you said you do like

movie making and TV show Making what are

some like past examples of what projects

you've worked on and how did you go

up uh you want to take this one yeah of

course so the first show IA that we came

up with um I preached the code uh a

couple years ago it was basic off of a

parody of a well-known show I'm sure

some of you guys might know it um I let

you guys guess but we ended up making a

show based off that called the cription

ad show where me and a lifelong friend

of mine ad known him since I was like

four years old him and I are really

close we decided to make this show and

it was just going to be a completely

random just funny talk show like

completely based off of comedy and after

that we had a um show pitched called

baiton switch now this never made it to

the um this never made it to the lot

this never was published but it was

supposed to be a followup of the kryt ad

show so maybe in the future if we're not

as busy as we are now we might be able

to bring that back but we'll see but

another example of this you know the um

the inferior subjectivity show okay it's

it's a game show right and um yeah this

this cookies guy runs it he's um he's

the character

but well I going to say I will give him

the benefit of the doubt while I was on

his show I had a lot of

fun it was completely it was took the

random kind of prospects from my show


um you know kind of use that to um make

everything you know fit well with the um

a listing based questions so yeah that's

kind of the shows that we've been

working on and we have two show shows

planned for the future that maybe we'll

talk about more in just a minute here

yeah I think that the good thing about

the shows is the amount of diversity

they're getting um we had some scrap

projects because crimon at show was kind

of a flagship we we had it kind of

helming the group for a couple of months

I I want to say even a year and a half

maybe for the pitches started kind of

developing you like like Crim shed aen

switch was in the writing process um we

had a different show that kind of got

cancelled and this is the only time

you're going to hear me acknowledge it

uh now nowhere else will acknowledge the

show but we did have a show called

inside the

ride inside the ride you're never going

to hear me acknowledge this the show

again because I I hate it but uh it was

a show kind of because at the time I was

a player of this game called Theme Park

Tycoon 2 B into my existence but um I I

wanted to do a show with the community

there it didn't work out but I think

that's a good part of the shows you know

we've had a lot of ideas come and go

and some have worked out some haven't

some have kind of slowed down and some

just got the ACT immediately and that's

good I mean nobody starts off with a

full roster of these established shows

we've just now started building a roster

up it it taken us um a couple years and

now we have Crim Shad show and

subjectivity which are both becoming

like established shows and we have like

Crim Shad 2 shows coming up which um I

think we have one of the the hosts in

here as well so if he if he feels like

it he maybe bring it up uh but yeah

that's that's really the best part about

the shows you know the amount of

diversity uh the people that run them




uh wait am I allowed to talk about the

the pitch I was given

earlier uh not not really I was more

referring to the Bal but if you want to

like talk about you

know subjectivity you can I'm sure

you're already to discuss that yeah it's

fine it's fine it's

fine okay awesome um so I guess the main

question really is how do you create the

TV shows so you said about you um

canceled some of them and some of them

are going that theme part Tycoon but how

do you create some of the new

ones right um that's a good question and

I'll I'll let some other guys talk about

this as well so I won't talk as much

here but um the way we work is I'm g go

to subjectivity for this one because

this is like the newest show it's fresh

off it premiered I believe earlier this

week it premiered uh the first episode

which is an awesome launch event since

people turned up and it's performing

really well so thank you to everybody

who's watched it who supported it uh

it's been a fantastic show so the way it

worked with subjectivity is subjectivity

was the first one where we kind of

developed the technology which is like

the cameras we have a camera system now

so what the cameraman can do is he can

just switch uh in between numbers one to

eight and there's different camera

angles I don't know if your question was

how they're made practically or if

you're more asking about the process but

practically wise um we do have like a

camera system and we have people who

edit them subjectivity was edited by two

people but um yeah that's kind of how we

do that's kind of how we did it with

subjectivity I don't know if anybody

else wants to talk about Crim not in

I'll CH in here because um you know from

the technical aspect of subjectivity

there um they were kind of like the

second coming of the of a show cuz our

the crypti ad show was kind of like the

first show we've ever made and um there

like if you look at the first episode

it's it's horrible in my opinion it's

like really low quality and not well

made when we've done with the corion Out


we've tried to keep up that process of

um improving on each episode from

episode one so you'll notice episode two

while still not being the best of

quality it's better than episode one

episode 3 is better than episode two and

so on and so forth because we've learned

more about what we're doing and um we're

taking our time but essentially how we

film these um shows is we make a game on

Roblox Studio we script it we put any

assets that we need to into the and um

we start to form a process in which um

we plan out things and um just make it

happen so we record after we publish the

Roblox game we record there we use admin

commands and we use um remote events

that we have scripted into the game to

help make like um effects and lights and

you know just random stuff that we want

to happen just happen and I think that's

the glory of it because especially the

cryption ad show is not scripted so at

any time I could just say I can just

talk about whatever I want to and then

just a giant clock falls from the

ceiling or like the whole set casts on

fire you know it's just like I was talk

about earlier the randomness of the show

along with the fact that it's not

scripted makes it all kind of a lot

better for the


but yeah that's basically how we do a

lot of the um technical technological

stuff on the show yeah um the shows

themselves the sets themselves we have a

very small development team but wow it's

a really good team so Step Building wise

um I'm G to bir subjectivity here uh and

then I'll talk about Crim a team I'm

gonna kind of shout the people out here

subjectivities team was me uh Joy juki

which is our lead scriptor he's like the

main man of scripting and Phoenix he

does all the scripting all the remote

features he's the boss uh in that regard

and and then we have it's simply Zach

who built us the the amazing set that we

have for septicity which is looks

absolutely incredible so if he's here

still shout out to you then Crim show we

have a a bit of a bigger team because

it's got a bit bigger following um we

contributions from puffton from leis the

brave from enj as well we've received

contributions from Crim's helped on that

one as well um who also ad worked on it

uh Enrique V vilus I think is his

username vilus I think

enri enri vilus he's helped us out a ton

it's a bit it's a lot more of an

extensive um group but I think it's

mostly because Crim Shan show always has

like these like other it has these bits

that are film like quote unquote outside

so you know you got your street set you

got your um your restaurant set you got

um I'm trying to think what else set

steady set I already said Ste set we

just have a lot of like sets that are

outside of the building because of that

we do need some more hands to come in

and help out times uh and subjectivity

is a lot more minimal which is why it

has a smaller team but that doesn't take

away from how efficient and how amazing

of a job they

did cool okay so leading on to those

sort of questions I guess how do you do

a typical timeline so like how do you

plan out what TV shows you want to do do

you sort of plan idea together or how'

you go

it um I'll let B and Crim come in if

they want to but normally what happens

when we get a pitch is we normally hear

this guy we make like a group chat with

him and he kind of he or she gives us

their pitch and they we kind of hear the

out a little bit then we kind of discuss

about it on our own as far as the

timeline goes we normally don't want to

be working on more than two projects at

once because like I said our team is

very small we're always looking for help

but our team is small very small so

because of that we don't have a lot of

workload to handle more than two things

at once uh that's why crimon natur

sometimes takes a little bit more to get

done because it is a lot more of a the

episodes are a lot more complex they're

a lot more um like I said there's

multiple sets uh there's guests that we

have to bring in and we have to make

sure now something we're doing now is we

have to make sure the guests have no

clue what they're getting into so if we

bring a guest Into The crimon Ed Show we

have to make sure they've never watched

the show before so we can get some raw

genuine reaction from them which is a

whole other fence

soing in the show sorry yeah yeah sorry

I was just going to CH I was saying

that's what we look for in the show is

um people or actors who have never seen

the show or they have no idea what to

expect so we can get that genuine

reaction out of them besides just like a

um besides just someone who's been

through the routine a couple times

they're like you know they kind of fake

it a little bit like oh so crazy what's

going on what's going on why is the

clock falling from the roof that's why

we look someone who's like genuinely

terrified or like terrified it's it's

like confusion because you know they

come in here they expect like a real cuz

our set looks nice it looks like a real

talk show because we have like we have

the band off to the side which you guys

will see a lot more in in future

episodes because they haven't shown up

yet but they're there uh we have a lot

of new uh it's really professional and

then so they come on they expect this

like professional show and then we give

them something completely different and

that's where we get the best reactions

episode five I'm telling right now has

some of that and it's absolute gold um

yeah okay awesome so you said about the

timeline and how you sort of plan out

the ideas and Pitch them but what

inspires you to create them do you get

any ideas from anywhere or are they


original so essentially for the ideas

and show

pict how we do that is we end up

just people will

submit give me one second here my

bad all right can you'all hear me


fine yeah we hear you okay cool yeah

sorry my airpods just died okay

anyways how we do the um story pitches

is people will DM us or people who are

have ideas they will send us ideas or

maybe even people part of our own staff

team will come up with these show

pitches and to add onto what cold said

earlier we got we make a group chat

we'll discuss what can be done what

can't be done and the process and the

process varies depending on the show

because for example the cryption ad show

the it was filmed as our first show so

like I said we had no idea kind of what

we were doing from the start but we just

kind of went with it


essentially um the scription ad show was

filmed like episode and then we'd

publish that episode we'd make another

episode and publish it subjectivity was

filmed they filmed all of the episodes

um within a certain span of however long

it took and they're now uploading an

episode a week that's been

pre-recorded but um yeah that's just

kind of to answer the process question


for the um show pitch like I said people

give us ideas and we sometimes make

ideas of our own like bait and switch

was made by B he isn't a great story

writer he's been runting for Phoenix

Studios for very long

time realistically all of these ideas

come from um a little bit of inspiration


with mixed with a lot of work if if I

could show you you would see how much

passion truly went into the scripts of

um Bon switch because what it was meant

to be was a fully fleshed out show with

a world just built around it which sadly

didn't end up happening because of time

restraints the you know just different

problems finding people seems to be a

little bit a little bit difficult but

that's not really that's not really

something we should focus on with um new

shows coming out and uh you know in

general the group's expans as a whole if

you want to know more about how bits are

made on shows like subjectivity and um

Crim sh Show we really just brainstorm

there's not much else to it because I

can speak from experience here I've been

through I've been through most of these

episodes just um standing there and

trying my absolute best to um make these

shows and ideas come to

fruition yeah you want to add anything

where do you want me to go I think he

said all that there needs to be said I

mean bat has done a great job and the

only issue with baiton switch was just

like you said the time restraints and um

we also had a lack of budget and just

because the film Community right now is

so small on Roblox there's like

absolutely no one who was up for the job

besides their own team and as we've

mentioned several times um people we

don't have uh the biggest um team of

creators but get the job

done yeah

yeah um B has actually helped write a

lot of the questions and stuff for

subjectivity so like genuinely I think

that like he knows the most out of all

of us about how bits and stuff like that

are planned but like how the idea for

subjectivity came up it it was basically

just like oh uh I want to

I I want to make a game show but I want

to put my own little twist to it and I

mean I it's very similar with Crim Shad

I basically just stole crimon NAD and

then stole um Sor what's it called uh

Jeopardy and I mix them into one

yeah but like I I wouldn't say I stole I

would say I was inspired I just had the

same format as a similar format to

Jeopardy while like trying to my own

spin on

it thanks for your UT cookies that was

really cool thank you I'm gonna kill you

Crim okay so I guess the next question

is sort of what are the goals for the

future for the group do you have any

ideas in the future or what can other

people in the community do to try and


yeah so goals wise we have a couple now

the truth is this we don't know how long

Fenix is going to last but we do want to

like like said earlier at the beginning

of the pan ba and switch um and we have

a couple other shows we want to go back

to them we don't want to let them just

um fade away because we think they're

genuinely good ideas like B said

problems with the big shows is that we

didn't have a big team we didn't have

enough time that's where we're always

looking for new people in the team but

right now we just don't have the the

manpower to be able to handle these big

story driven animated shows but our hope

is to be able to go back to them you

know the scripts aren't gone the scripts

are there we have them and they're just

in stasis until we can go back to them

bring them back and do them Justice

justce they deserve so I guess really an

end goal that we have in mind is we just

want to be able to tell a bunch of

stories make a bunch of content in a few

years we can maybe look back on and kind

of Reminisce about cuz that's really

what Phoenix is about really Phoenix

isn't about you know making a big

Phoenix isn't about you know how much

profit we can make it's not about that

that's really not what we're looking for

in Phoenix what we're looking for is

just being able to

just make some good stuff that we really

enjoy that we can laugh at that we can

you know say you remember when we did

this remember when we did that that's

really the point of it because I could

right now I could I could go ahead and

say hey Crim remember when we were

dealing with that kid on episode five

and that had a terrible Wi-Fi we can

talk about that and that's kind of the

point about it that's kind of the


yeah okay so you said you aren't sure

how long the group would go on for is

there any way or anything people in the

community can do to try and sort of help

make the group go longer is there any

features you wish could be added into

Roblox or what do you think could

help honestly I think for the studos

community um a main demotivation for the

cription ad show is you know we take

such a long time to

um to make episodes because of our lack

of actors and usually we invite from the

Phoenix Studios Community to um be

background actors or just be on the

show and um yeah

he um a little bit more help from

Community would be great because as C

was saying earlier the kid with a bad

wi-fi people like that come in all the

time who can't listen to directions and

it makes the filming process go from

trying to film a f minute bit taking 30

minutes to filming a five minute bit

that's going to take the entire day and

that's why a lot of them process takes

so long because we just need people who

can actually you know understand what

we're trying to do

yeah um so we're always looking for

people what we would do back in the day

is um make mod apps or like Google

forarms but that's really the thing of

the past right now if someone walks up

to us and says I want to help you guys

out it's because they genuinely want to

help out so what are we looking for

we're looking for voice actors

background actors like Crim shed uh

developers we're in a good situation

with them but any help would be welcome

because we need set Builders all that

help would be amazing um and we're

always looking for it we know the our

community has them so what we're just

trying to do now is just we're trying to

get them to kind of come out a little

bit more kind of get involved a bit more

in what we do you know we've had a

member recently step up and Pitch this


show and um it's a really interesting

show idea we really want to help him

make it grow we offer to help him out

he's down for it so we're really excited

to see where this idea goes cuz uh

that's what we want to see really we

want to see people if people have an

idea we want to see them come up to us

and if they want our help we want to

Grant it to them to to make the story

come true well to regard cuz it is

Roblox okay so when you make all of your

games within Roblox are there any

features you're hoping to get added onto

like the platform in the future is there

anything like missing or anything like

that sorry so can read the question

again please yeah sure um are there any

features of Roblox like when you're

making a game that you wish could be

agit like any Roblox Studio


features I am

not sure uh we we

normally have a lot of the features that

we need but if there's one thing I could

think of really that could really help

us out I guess

maybe I'm not sure actually I'm not I'm

trying to think of something that could

help us out I think

Limitless for me CU I work out a lot of

the sets and scripts for the crimon I

just organize Advantage a lot of the


um one thing is maybe a little bit of a

more advanced build system because um

you know a lot of that can be provided

through plugins like there's this one

plugin I've use on Roblox Studios that

helps a lot

but in general if they had um kind of



uh it's hard to describe but like a twin

tool to where you can um s like two

block like two parts at the same time

and scale them off of each other and

move them correspondingly and scale them

correspondingly off of a certain point

then that would be a lot more

useful personally I think I think the

design of um the UI is comfortable right

now but it could definitely use some

improvements I absolutely I did not

enjoyed the um the UI revamp as much as

other people did think they're just over


bit yeah it's just like personally I've

been trying to learn scripting and I

feel like they've added more stuff to

make it un like more understandable but

realistically learning all of that from

scratch is kind of kind of difficult um

just in

general okay so oh yeah go for no no no

I yeah oh fair enough okay so earlier in

the Q&A you mentioned about the film

community and I was just wondering is

there any sort of improvements you hope

that could happen in the film Community

like do you want to get more people from

there or

yeah um I think that more help or at

least like because we I'm in a few like

Film Community servers and we have

people making these animations I think

that if people were more willing to help

out the smaller groups get started you

know I'm not saying you know join the

group and you know send your soul away

but I'm saying like help us out a little

bit cuz it's we're not alone here like

I'm in contact with a lot of like

smaller groups that are trying to you

know gather their stuff and kind of get

started but it's it's hard because it's

a it's a rare genre on Roblox and not a

lot of people do it you know people make

game shows people make talk shows but

what we're trying to do like I said

angle is to tell stories

shows films that are sty driven like B

is going to be that's really what we

want to do uh and what that's rare

Roblox the fact of the

matter okay fair enough so if I wanted

to be involved in Phoenix Studio what

would be the best way to join the group

or even be on a TV

show right so the best way if you want

to be on a show if you want to pitch a

show if you want to join the team or if

you just want to you know hang out with

us um obviously we have a lot of social

media uh we have social media yeah most

platforms we have a platform most

platforms have a platform sorry um the

best way you can do it is joining the

Roblox group we have our Communications


there um so you can join our you can

check out our social media for there or

if you just search us up uh on social

media Phoenix Studios films you'll find

us there as


and I guess through the social media

they'll be able to sort of talk and be

able to work out through that yeah we're

very active on social media um

especially we have a lot of we have a

very active team checking it out uh our

staff's kind of met we have this account

that kind of our entire staff team

manages so you're always going to get an

answer very quickly

um we're also going to be at at Raa

which is this convention coming up uh

we're going to be there so all our

information is going to be there as well

so you can check us out you can learn

more about us you can take some cool

pictures and have a great time in in our

booth on the topic of rapper if anyone

wants to book for it it is also on the

Roblox events website um so s fre a book

for that and it'll be a good time to

meet all the different people in the

community and also meet the studio we're


today yeah cool okay my questions unless

anyone wants to sort of give any more

information about

anything yeah yeah yeah subjectivity

episode 2 coming out this Wednesday at

6:45 EST go watch

it yeah all right is it gonna be as

tragic as last time no no no it's it'll

actually upload this time it won't

Cur oh few I just wiped the sweat off of



anyone videos they are also going to be

on their social media so you can find

all of the videos on the group and by

clicking on the Social Links through

there and yeah yeah um remember to watch

out for one maybe two new

shows coming up very soon maybe two

maybe extremely soon maybe two maybe two

maybe two maybe

two lot of the co coming up love it

awesome okay and on that note I think we

should probably end the event then if

that the questions we

have I think so yeah anyone else want

add anything just remember y all I'm got

one thing to

say tonight best Phoenix Studio show

ever you guys should go check it out if

you haven't already I'm the best

community manager of AR is and on that

note I want to thank all of you for

joining and yeah if any you if you have

any sort of goodbye notes you then yeah

um yeah thank you so much guys has been

aesome to come in the panel talk about

our our group it's awesome that we get

to come out more talk about what we do

more get more people to discover us it's

been an awesome opportunity so thank you

to Cedar for giving us the chance come

on and talk about our shows and stuff

yeah awesome okay bye

everyone all right goodbye yeah


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