Behind the Scenes of Ro-Sports (Q&A)

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.

Join us for the Behind the Scenes of Ro-Sports (Q&A) with a wide panel of ro-sports leagues! This is a unique opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the Ro-Sports world and ask your questions directly to the people who run it.
You'll hear from representatives from various of sports leagues, including baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and more. They'll discuss everything from how leagues are formed and managed to how players are recruited and developed. They'll also share their insights on the future of Ro-Sports.
This event is perfect for anyone who's interested in Ro-Sports, whether you're a player, a fan, or just curious to learn more. Don't miss this chance to get an insider's perspective on this exciting and growing industry!
hello everyone and welcome to the behind
the scenes of Roose Sports my name is
Seer and today I'll be interviewing a
wide range of people within the
community and feel free to ask any
questions you
have so first off I'm going to introduce
you to di so di if you tell everyone a
little bit about
you um uh I'm dime I play a lot of
football Fusion which is one of the
football games on Roblox Sports
um there's a bunch of different football
games but I play football Fusion I'd say
it's probably the biggest one due to the
range of people that play
it cool okay yeah the next person I'm
going to move on to is
Hudson yeah so I'm huie uh I make
content on Tik Tok and uh I play
Ultimate Football mostly I'm an ultimate
football activist and uh honestly uh we
compete in a lot of leagues we do a lot
of things within the community we
overall just have fun and uh I'm just
here for the
games cool okay um and then
Jason um if you guys couldn't tell I am
the creator of Ultimate Football I've
been on the Roblox platform for 10 no
almost 12 years now um I've made free
football games over the course of the
last seven years so I've been in the
sports Community for a long time so
longer than most of these people have
been alive
okay probably you know it is always
interesting finding kids who are who
were born after my first football
game cool and then I'm going to move on
to JJ as the next
person hi yeah I'm JJ SWAT I create
content uh mostly around ff2 sometimes I
do some variety uh but mostly football
fusion and uh
yeah fair enough okay and then king of
all right hi guys I'm Kingo uh nice to
meet you guys and obviously I've been in
the r sport scene for about 10 years um
uh mainly ofl AFL uh lfg hbb NBA I mean
I could go on and on all day about
leagues I've covered so we're gonna
we're gonna stop
there cool and then the last person is
pasta hey friends pasta here uh I am
currently streaming for HVB which is a
Roblox baseball league but I started out
in football I've also covered hockey
socer and a wide variety of sports and
love to stream do audio and Graphics so
that's everyone in today's event and I
think the best question to start off
with will be aimed at Jason and the
question will be what sparks your
interest in creating sort of Roose
Sports and the group in a
way uh competition has always been a big
big thing in my family and that's
something that I kind of learned from my
dad because he used to play football in
college and so the way I kind of got
started in football games was um I used
to play a game called new football
legends which for all you oldies you
remember that game but for those that
don't it was one of the first kind of
games on on Roblox that was actually
like a football game and me and my
buddies were like we would play it all
the time and um of course I would always
lose but I was thinking at at the time
was like you know I can do so much
better than this I can actually you know
I and I had never made a game before I'd
never done anything like that and so I
was convinced that I could make a better
game um and it took three games it took
three of them to finally get there uh
and this last April is where we finally
hit our stride um but
uh Sports has always been a part of my
life you know my dad always took me to
um Seahawks games he's always taken me
to um Air Force games um and it's always
just been like something that's been a
part of my life since i' since I've um
up um real quick before we ask the next
question I just want to make sure was
that era's new football legends you
talking about the one that was made by
er no that's uh something guest what was
his name oh Legend of gas yeah Legend of
that not not sorry
sorry awesome okay and then the next
question was sort of be an open question
unless someone thinks it' be better end
at then but the question is what are
some of the unique challenges or rewards
that you've gained from running a Road
sports related
group I mean I think I can answer this I
think I can answer I think I can answer
this one uh there's a lot of there's a
lot of benefits but there there's also a
lot of challenges when it comes to that
sometimes it can be absolutely mentally
draining to just like keep it up the
entire time like you have to like it you
almost treat it as a a second portion of
your life when you're full-timing that
so just to kind of like have your own
life and then kind of like a life where
you're doing a lot of things for a bunch
of people in a Roblox Community that's
like two completely different things
where you have to tend to both of them
equally so I mean just like the the
division of time when you have so many
other things going on in your life is is
a big challenge to it my
opinion okay reward sorry the big for me
is um just the amount of people that uh
play this game and want to get better or
any of these games and just the ability
to um show them ways to improve and
seeing that payoff of them getting
better and then thanking you for you
know showing them uh you know how to do
that so just seeing that improve as
people just strive to be better at
something they love is is really
okay I I oh got tell no go for it go for
it uh I've liked a lot of the portions
because I my main thing on YouTube is
where I create uh like competitive
videos cuz a lot of people uh like for
like I kind of made it a staple with my
channel to record a lot of My League
games that I play in and that's where my
league um my channel really started to
blow up but a lot of it was because
people wanted to see that side of
football Fusion where a lot of the
content creators were just playing like
public servers and stuff like that well
I started playing the competitive aspect
and that's something that a lot of
people wanted to see um I think it's
just cool to like be able to do so many
things within Roblox Sports cuz there's
a lot of different Stones you can unturn
that could turn into like something
people want to see and there's a lot of
lot of stuff that's still uncovered that
content creators can just keep finding
and keep finding ways to produce better
overall absolutely and I just want to
sayc uh that the growth of the community
has just been the absolute joy to see
over 10 years I've been in this I think
it's been so incredible to see you know
I mean obviously I started with offl
back in 2013 see games like Ultimate
Football or like a dream come true uh
Jason so give give credit to Jason there
and also I I think just continue to see
ll's Community grow and AFL and all
those leagues um you know I mean
starting off with like zero members to
now ofl has almost 40,000 group members
it's unbelievable to see and I just I
just think seeing the growth of the
community and continuing to see us go
from six teams inl to one point we had
34 teams a complete College league with
20 teams is absolutely incredible and I
think that that's just been an absolute
joy to
see awesome okay yeah so as you
mentioned you hit a massive mile account
for the amount of members so a massive
congratulations for that the next
question is sort of on that topic and
it's how do you go about building and
maintaining a strong and engaged
Community well that's Hood that's all I
think I think I think uh a big portion
of it was a lot of the things about like
okay to start off we obviously marketed
it through games through like word of
mouth and things like that but a big
thing that I think is very underrated in
this is that if we like rose Sports
typically you like real Sports and
that's something that bonds this
community together I talk with other
people about Real Sports all the time
and that kind of goes hand inand with
each other that's a big portion of it
there's another thing which is like
media where we'll cover other people and
we like to make people feel included in
it when we like to type articles and
make things about like players and stuff
like that they like it when they can see
their name of their team up there that
they did good so that's a big portion of
it too we like to include everybody we
like to make everyone feel like they are
part of the community so I think that's
a big emphasis as
well absolutely and if I could interject
here too I just wanted to say um I think
one thing is I I started streaming three
years ago for the community I would have
streamed way sooner if I knew what I was
doing I had no idea what I was doing and
then I didn't have PC and I had to save
up for PC and all that but um I
absolutely you know I think lot of it is
a lot of dedication I think we can all
all of us here can agree to that um
streamed almost every day for the past
three years just about uh very very
rarely I was actually nervous to the
point where when I went to Disney World
last uh in August this year I was
nervous to go away from my channel and
see am I going to see a spike uh
downward and worship and all that I was
nervous to see that so I think that's
definitely something that I think we can
all attest
to yeah definitely adding on to what
Kingo said like I remember um this year
my dad got a house down in New Jersey at
the shore for like a month during July
uh for all of July and I remember I
would go down for like a week because
that's the amount of content I had and
then I'd come home edit a bunch and then
go back and I just did that the entire
month so like I kind of had to F I had
to like make my schedule around playing
Roblox football which is kind of like
nerdy to say but
I I have to like there's a lot of
sacrifices that come with this like I've
had to skip some IRL events like
football games and stuff like that just
to play a game or something like
that yeah um adding on to that yeah it
ulate football took three years to make
and there were a lot of sacrifices that
I had to make but I think that in in the
end it's it's all worth it and I think
just kind of watching a community grow
and interact and being able to interact
with them where whether that be um
people in like say our older audience or
people in our much younger audience I
think it's such a joy just to see
people's reactions and the impact that
you can make as a community leader on um
kids and individuals I think that's in
my opinion the most rewarding part um
obviously making games is fun but I I I
do it for the community I think it's
more fun when you make an impact on
people and it's a lasting impact when
Jason I wanted to say I really
appreciate you as a developer because
you actually interact with the community
and take their words into consideration
unlike other ones I'm not going to name
any names but uh I think we think we
might know who I'm talking about I mean
one of one of the nice things about
being one of the nice things about
football Universe I think I mean um
obviously football Universe was never as
big as football fusion and you can go we
can go on about why but I think what was
nice about it is because it was such a
small game it really made such a small
tight-knit community and I with able to
become friends with some of the a lot of
the people that were in the community um
a lot a lot of my friends that I've made
on the platform and in general have been
made because of that game and that's one
of the biggest things I love and I'll
take away from that game is is the
connections and the memories that I made
with it um versus nowadays I don't think
with Al football I would get the same
effect because it's such a big game
there such a big community and I'm
interacting with so many people all the
time um you know I don't I don't think I
would get the same experience so you
know I I really appreciate that kind of
slow rise to
popularity absolutely when I was just
gonna ask uh Jason too I just wanted to
ask when did your first game come out
just because I'm curious to remember I
don't remember exactly when I'm
curious so that was sophomore in your
high school so that would have been 2015
2016 is that was that was Roblox NFL one
um and then uh Roblox NFL 2 came out
2017 and then also football this last
April cool okay so all of that is very
interesting to know and I'm sure other
people will be wondering how can they
get involved in Rose Sports whether
that's helping you guys or even being
able to start their own sort of mini
group do you have any tips or advice for
I think I can I think I can take this
one as well uh when it comes to wanting
to get involved into the league there
are I think it people like us you can
you can literally reach out to any of us
and people that are like that you're see
hearing talk right now are completely
open to helping you guys get involved
into the game that is that is a part of
our pleasure we want that to happen so
again if you reach out to any of us we
will easily help you guys get involved
but to start your own thing it it it
takes a little bit of a community it
takes a little bit of getting used to it
doesn't just happen like oh I just
discovered this game today therefore I'm
going to run the biggest like Community
tomorrow it takes a little bit of time
it takes a little bit of those
connections that Jason had talked about
but if you really want to get started
into it just just start playing fidget
with it trial and error keep doing it a
bunch of times and then you'll crack the
eventually uh I can add on to this uh uh
speaking leagues wise if you're trying
like it's really easy to get involved
with the community just by playing
public servers and messing around with
your friends and those uh sorts of
things but if you're trying to get
involved in leagues that's also not very
hard at all uh like there's a yeah
there's the biggest leagues like there's
lfg there's AFL there's stuff like that
but to go on with it there's also things
called side leagues which obviously
aren't the main leagues they're smaller
but you could still like get franchise
owner in those uh build your way up get
better at the game and then like just
apply to become an fo in one of the
bigger leagues so getting involved
actually isn't n all that hard like it
may seem like it's kind of complex but
honestly it's really not that
difficult I'm going to say too is and I
think people really underestimate this
if you want to get your name out there
doing media articles you know that type
of stuff that can really get your name
out there and I think people think oh I
can only get my name out there if I
score seven touchdowns every game and
there's other ways to get your name out
there to get your foot in the door to
start and you know people offer me and
I've never played any of these Gam games
because I'm a streamer so you know
that's your way you could actually get
in your foot in the door and I think
interesting if I may actually that for a
second K you bring up a great Point um
because I'm in a very similar boat I my
my row sports playing days are far from
Far Over but um people have been
recruiting me from from different
leagues notably hardcore to baseball uh
despite not having played a game ever in
the league so um I think that the the
med media aspect of getting yourself
more involved is definitely very
important and definitely a good point to
up absolutely and I wanted to also say
that um I mean that does for all the row
sports and leagues I mean
ofl uh AFL lfg hcbb bmhl you know nrba
Road basketball hockey every sport I
mean you can get your FR in the door in
so many different ways and I wanted to
also say that we've been T talking all
about row football because I think
that's most of ours favorite here but
there are so many different row sport
leagues and you'll see people who are
cross sport athletes they call them you
know the Roblox Bo Jackson out here like
playing htbb at 8 o' and then going out
there and playing an offl game at 10 you
know so it's definitely something to
see awesome okay
so with everything that has just been
how do you see the future of Ro Sports
evolving do you think there could be new
sports added or what do you think could
happen to it in the
future I think most of the sports have
been like covered and they all have very
main games I think if if you have paid
any attention to the member surge that
we have had in just Rose Sports in
general over the past like like I'm just
going to say two three weeks or
something like that it has gone from
about 5,000 6,000 daily players uh it in
in I'm not going to name any specific
names uh but Ultimate Football has gone
from 5 to 6,000 members to 26 to 30,000
constant players in the game which is
also a byproduct of a the game getting
promoted on the homepage B PlayStation
players coming over because they are now
crossplatform with that and C kind of
just word of mouth and social media
exposure so those are three main
components that are like actually vital
for the growth of that so if you can do
that in the football community I don't
see why you wouldn't be able to do that
in row baseball row hockey row soccer
any of these other
games add on to that I think part of
what can help with the growth is
actually like integration with with I I
want to say Brands but I also want to
say just the leagues in general like the
actual leagues like I think um getting
the NFL or the NHL or the NBA somewhere
in roadblocks is a great way to expand
it um I know that those leagues are
trying to appeal to younger audiences
and I think this is the the best way to
do it is through Roblox sports games
because a lot of young kids who can't
afford the big 6070 games on consoles
come here to to to play um sports games
on Roblox so trying to find a way to
appeal to a much younger audience I
think is going to be the future of
Roblox Sports in general and then by the
time that you know we get to that point
that younger audience will have matured
a little bit and um have created so many
memories and experiences on this
platform that they're going recommend it
to their siblings you know or their
siblings friends or you know so on and
so forth I think I think a lot of the
growth for sports games in general comes
from the younger audience and if you can
appeal to that then you are
set absolutely and I
think I know that you guys said most
sports are covered and I agree that
that's true to an extent most of the
major sports I think there's definitely
sports that you know and this is where I
would go in the future if I was doing
Row Sports um make sports that maybe
aren't representing as much maybe they
aren't as popular of sports especially
in America but maybe they have a huge
International following like I think
Rose soccer has yet to hit its potential
because I think the games are so stale
for Rose soccer and I think we need to
see more like rose soccer like a
mainstream Rose soccer game like an
ultimate football or something but we
haven't seen that we've seen it be so
closed and then maybe something like a
lacrosse game or a cricket game or
something you know get those
International audiences coming into the
row sports scene I think would be
huge uh to go along with what Kingo said
uh a lot of the sports have not been
unlocked yet like yeah there's been a
lot of sports that have been covered but
obviously not every single sport has
been covered yet but when it comes to
actually growing those Sports uh I don't
think it could be any easier today
because as we've seen in the recent
years the bloom of uh Tik Tok and
YouTube shorts being made making a game
has never been easier to promote along
with making like a YouTube channel or
something like that being on Tik Tok
just posting yourself like messing
around with friends just funny videos of
you like that grows people so fast like
we've seen so many creators get made off
of those apps alone that making a game
that appeals to a certain audience you
can find that audience on Tik Tok and
then promote it that way so uh promoting
games could really never get easier at
I would say that it's a little it's
still definitely hard to promote a game
um I've been through the ropes of of
struggling to actually get a game up and
running multiple times as everybody
knows um and I think social media is
usually the biggest way to do that um
you and it's always the hardest because
you're playing you're playing against
multiple different algorithms whether
that be um the Tik Tok algorithm whether
that be the YouTube algorithm whether
that be um uh you know twitch you also
have to bug creators you know Dime dime
talking to you to play the games that
you make um you know uh it can be
difficult but I think it's a lot easier
than it was in years
past um yeah yeah let me correct I did
not I did not mean to say it was super
easy I me to say it's easier than it
once was oh yeah absolutely and yeah um
also wanted to say uh I I I forgot to
mention this and I got a DM someone
bugging me about it Ro hockey absolutely
uh but I think Ro hockey is another one
where I think you AB you absolutely you
have some good games there I think it
has so much more potential than what
people are giving it and I think someone
needs to go out there make a great Ro
hockey game Jason make a ro hockey game
it's it's funny that it's funny that you
say that um I was at the uh Bruins
Sharks game the other day we suck the
Sharks suck let's go we suck we're
terrible yeah go brein Bruins are better
let's go shark fan we are terrible this
year but what was cool is like during
the intermission between the periods um
there was they would actually advertise
in the big Jumbotron like a Roblox
hockey game like someone actually made
it and partnered with NHL and it was
actually advertised and I was like dang
I need to get on that well yeah the
problem with this with the with the
hockey game that they made it's not like
actual hockey it's more like arcadey I
think something like an actual
definitive Roblox hockey game could be
huge and I think I think you should look
into that Jason or something like a some
of those sports like maybe a soccer game
or something because like here's the
thing and this is what I always say to
new people I always have people dming me
they're like I want to make a football
league or a basketball league I'm like
don't do it there's so many row football
leagues there's so many row basketball
leagues there's an oversaturation in the
market you need to hit something if
you're coming in and you're starting
something new you need to innovate and
you're not going to in in row football
you're not going to innovate in row
basketball you're going to innovate in
row soccer row hockey you know those
games that maybe don't have a definitive
game a definitive League you know you
need to go for one of those
things agre uh to add on it uh Jason
said previously I forgot to I actually
forgot about this um my friend zabs made
a a Roblox handball game and um he made
it uh it got played by a couple people
wasn't too popular um and then it kind
of died but I remember after one of my
OCA games which is the theater League to
offl me and my friends like hey let's
hop on handball and we hopped on we
played a bit and we were like wait this
is actually really fun so I actually hit
him up I was like yo you should make a
league for this and I actually kind of
like revived Roblox handball by myself
because I I was because I I was just
having fun with it with my friends just
messing around I made a video on it and
a lot of the comments were like yo we'd
love to see you play this more so I
actually ended up uh fueling like 10
seasons of a like handball league and I
don't know I it felt pretty cool like
knowing the type of influence I have uh
to be able to Kickstart a community by
myself someone's got an ego no I'm all
right it's funny that you mentioned
handball uh because I remember I want to
say like a month before Ultimate
Football released I someone came up and
was like hey you should add like a
handball mini game in t football and I
was like yeah let's do that and I
pitched it to everybody in my Dev chat
and everyone was like no no don't do
that don't do that don't don't ruin
handball and I was like okay okay but um
we could absolutely put handball in
Ultimate Football if we wanted
to I think that would be awesome because
the handball Community is lowkey dying
again because they can't find a stable
league and nobody really wants to play I
I here's the thing the handball game I I
I think isn't actually handball enough
it's more just
football throwing into a goal I think
you would actually need to no that's
exactly what it is I think if you're
gonna do a handball game this is another
one I think you should actually do a
handball game and again that's another
one where I think you could easily do
and remote that if you were to do like
an actual handball game I know bombs
made a handball game at one point
started development before he did htbb
but he then decided to do hbb instead so
I think handball absolutely has
potential oh for sure cuz in this Hall
game I mean like I I don't really watch
H I don't know much about it but from
what I've seen on the internet like you
can't spin the ball you can't put spin
on the ball um I don't I don't really
know what else there is but that's like
the main thing I've seen like a lot like
when I've seen the clips on like
Instagram reels or something like that
um dribbling you have to dribble and
there's no yeah there's like dribbling
like you can put a lot of spin on the
ball like that hand ball doesn't have
that right now like the game I was
talking about it's literally just
football except you try and throw the
ball into a net uh
but I also think something like
um maybe Ultimate Frisbee could be
really really cool oh dude I've played
ultimate fris me it's so awesome it's
still fun in real life yeah I used to
play playing the summer water polo water
polo I I mean I think there's so many
sports that don't have great leagues or
games and I think the issue is sometimes
people will try to do them but they
don't I I would love to see a cricket
league I feel like that'd be awesome I
have no idea how the rules work but I've
seen clips of it like people get hyped
for that bro I I've like I've seen the
clips of the stadiums bro like it's
comparable to like a Philly's playoff
game atmosphere like that like it it
yeah cool okay I am going to jump in
just so we have enough time for the
other questions and the
Q&A um so moving on to the next question
it was what do you think of some of the
misconceptions about Road
sports I think we have no life we have
no life I think honestly I think the ter
I I don't the one the one thing that I
don't like is that it's childish what's
any different than you sitting down at
your desk and playing Madden or Call of
Duty what is any different than
fact the comment I get the most often
the most common the mo most common
comment I get on my videos why don't you
just play Madden
BR can't afford Madden or something like
yeah that so that we have no lives or
that we that we can't afford other games
and why don't you play other games I
think that that'se well hold on so I
think the affordability is actually a
great point and uh that actually made me
think of a point that Jason brought up
earlier about younger individuals who
maybe don't have uh the money um to to
to buy you know high-end consoles
high-end video games and Roblox I think
serves as a great option and a financial
to for entertainment right so I so I I I
feel like that the leagues the exposure
to these high-end leagues are getting
it's it's a great alternative I I think
to to these high-end console game so I
think it's a pretty valid point and a
very common misconception that okay you
can't afford it but people shouldn't be
making fun of others for that and even
if and even if you you you can afford it
there's actually I think so much value
and I think people don't realize this in
a game like hcbb ultimate footballl you
are one individual on a team greater
team Madden you're one person
controlling a whole
team that's fun but I mean this is true
you're one person that's my favorite
aspect of Rose sport that's my favorite
aspect I have a Madden League it's like
yeah you're one person control the whole
team and they're like 32 people in the
league yeah there's hundreds in these
leagues it's like there's 30 32 Team
league but then there's also 32 people
per team in Roblox
football yeah exactly and I think that's
that I think that's a huge point of
emphasis you get to be your own
individual player no other game does
that no other game lets you be you
yourself and you can communicate with
your teammates in the game you can send
them a little message like hey let's run
a different kind of coverage oh my God
can you Blitz please you can't do that
in Madden you just control the entire
team yourself so when you get to be your
own individual player and have that
communication that's so fun and you
can't find that anywhere else not that
I've seen and I don't think Madden has
the same sense of community because of
that I I think people underestimate the
community aspect of these
games I want to say from a player
perspective a big uh misconception I see
are people that just doubt their
abilities and and they say oh I'm not
good enough to play in leagues and I'm
just not going to get on a team and
things like that and I it just could not
be further from the truth there are so
many leagues and so many teams that uh
really despite your skill level uh
you're going to find a place on there
and hopefully you'll have teammates that
will show you ways to get better there
are communities out there that do that
and and people just think that they're
not going to be welcome in that kind of
thing and it's just it's just not true
um I lost the second part of what I was
going to say to that but that that's the
biggest one I I
see agreed agreed I think acfl which is
like it's like a developmental League I
I personally I go into the servers what
I do with my teams is I go into the
servers and I don't look for already
experienced players I look for the
people and I type in the chat I'm like
who wants to play who wants to play in a
league right and I'll literally like try
to bring them in even if they're really
not that good I will try my best to
teach them how to be a little bit better
just because I find that really
fun I can say I've definitely done that
before but uh I don't necessarily do it
in like the public servers um actually
that's not true I do it everywhere like
if I'm playing in a side League or I'm
playing in a public server if I see
someone that's actually playing pretty
good I'll like shoot him a friend
request like see if I can set him up in
some sort of League to see how like
gauge how good they are and if I feel
like they have potential I'll be like yo
I'll teach you how to play like I did it
most recently to some uh guy I met in a
side League like his team was terrible
but he was uh he was like the bright
spot of the team so I was like yo uh
come come over here like he played
really well and now he's like uh a
starter in like the highest level of lfg
football so it's like it's crazy how
people like that can go unnoticed but
it's also crazy how you can just like
teach them the ropes tell them what to
do and then they can become that kind of
player where they're at the top of the
uh leaderboard well that's that that's
one thing I'm frustrated with with offl
and I I'm I'm gonna I'm going to go a
little get a little interesting here ofl
I think that is where ofl struggles is
that they only have so many teams and
that they don't have a public game to
promote the game and because of that
people join the League they have nowhere
to go and then they they they quit
because they're frustrated because they
have nowhere to play and they people
just want to promote who they already
know and they don't want to get new
people involved and it feels frustrating
in that regard because they'll go to
join and then they'll be like okay then
they join they sit on the bench for two
games they quit and they they have know
where to play and I think games like
that you know these people have
potential and I always say those people
you're pushing the bench that could be
the next Kelvin that could be the next
the next REI you know those could be the
next great players but you're just
pushing them aside because you don't
know who they are and they weren't here
since day
one that's that's part of the reason why
other games are a little bit more
successful in offl because in these
games you can have those side leagues
where people can actually play to get
better play get noticed and get
discovered and all that but inl there's
really only OCA but even then it's still
not super great for recruiting players
and all that so that's why when it comes
to like uh UF or uh FF like it's a lot
easier to get noticed than it is an a an
like offl or OCA well I've told offl
they've actually removed teams and I
told them that's the opposite of what
you should be doing if you have a lack
of players because it's not the lack of
players players wanting to play is the
lack of players being able to play if
that makes sense oh for
sure with uh ofl with having so many
members that means a lot more people
have the chance of going unnoticed so by
if you add more teams it means obviously
more people get the opportunity to show
what they can do because yeah I mean
that point of it just removes
opportunities is very valid Jimmy
27458 could be the next young rally and
you don't even know it because you never
give them a
chance Tyler any other questions you got
yep I've got a few more but what I might
do is there's a few questions in the
chat so I'm going to go through some of
them and then back to some of my
ones um so one of the questions is why
when you fail in Ultimate Football do
you lose
uh I saw that I saw that question a
couple times and I was hopeing I to
answer it um the only reason why I have
it is so that there's kind of like a
um negative takeaway if you perform bad
so if you throw a pick or you fumble the
ball um then it it it damages your your
XP and your overall because there you
know I think one of the problems that we
have with fbu is that when you gain EXT
and you gained good stats your your um
overall was just linear and going just
straight up there was no way you could
ever go down and so one of the moves we
made with timate football is that while
it's it's a small decline sometimes um
it can also be a great incline when
you're going from 20 overall you up to
that 99 or 100 so um but I have gotten a
lot of negative feedback about the
negative XP so we'll see about that it
also encourages you to play better you
know you don't want to see that red
negative 15 XP you don't want to see
that red you know negative five XP and
so it it's kind of like an incentive for
you to go okay I need to you know sit
down and actually commit and actually
play a little bit
better okay
interesting um one of the other
questions I'll just had a look at the
chat and then I'll probably go back to
my ones um I know we already asked and
got Al but do you have any advice for
people who want to make a Roose sports
game this us was thinking about making a
baseball Ultimate Football Style
um the the way I walked into Ultimate
Football was that I was going to treat
it like a full-time job you know um if
especially if you're going to make a
game on like Ultimate Football on the
ultimate football scale um like I don't
this this might seem a little braggy but
I I don't think there's another sports
game that's like on the scale of
ultimate football but that's not
be that yeah well that's because we put
three years into it um and we invested a
couple th I want to say like something
around like 20 or $30,000 into just
commissions and paying people that's
more than my net worth yeah it's I mean
we we got all that money from football
universe and we that it that's what it
takes you know it's it's not easy it's
it's going to be difficult you're going
to struggle you're going to hate it but
at the end of the day um I think you're
going to love it you know um the final
months coming up to timate football's
release were probably the most
depressing and stressful time in my life
um because of just that crunch of like
okay we've been doing it for three years
can we at least can we get it out in
time can we do it can we get it out at
all um
and what what made it so rewarding I
think at the end was the level of
positive feedback that I got from it
especially after two prior football
games to that um that I felt like
redeemed it and made it that much more
worth it in the
end absolutely and as I stated uh
earlier and I'm just going to reiterate
this if you're making a game do not make
a football game and do not make a
I just I I just think the market is so
oversaturated with them you need to be
so in depth with your game it it I just
don't see how you can compete with these
other games I'm sorry I just don't see
it maybe if you do something absolutely
mind-blowing but at that point you're
going to be putting so much into it to
me if you're going to do that start with
a game like a soccer game or a hockey
game that don't have a definitive game
and then work your way up to making a
football game I would I would say the
reason why you shouldn't make a football
game is not because there's already
games in football I would say it's
because the sport is so complicated um I
you have to consider you have to
consider field goals two points kickoffs
on sides um safety punts you know
there's there's so many different
aspects of the game that I found just
like as I was making the game play the
core gameplay just so frustrating and
annoying being like okay I think we're
done oh no we forgot safety puns okay
you don't do that okay oh the ball rolls
of end that that thing the game play is
incredi complicated whereas I think
basketball is really at least fairly
easy you shoot the ball in the
hoop yeah and it's if it's from this
distance two points if it's from this
distance it's three points and then when
they score the other team gets the ball
and that that's it it that's I got to do
but goes out of bounds football it's so
much more um the other thing I guess the
other piece of big advice that I would
say is that um it used to be a couple
years ago that you could make your own
sports game pretty much on your own and
um I think Roblox has now come to the
point where it's you really do need a
big team um a lot of the PO a lot of the
top 50 games uh have fullon on teams
that are um ranging from anywhere from
five to 10 people and so um the way I
got started was just by getting a couple
couple buddies together we we weren't
good at building we weren't good at
scripting we weren't good at anything
but we still made a game and it still
gained just enough traction that we
could use what we gained from that to
keep on going so my my advice is get
your friends together you know um and
it's going to be really frustrating and
um you're going to hate every second of
it but when it does release and even
does good or bad it's going to be more
rewarding than you would have thought
you know before you even thought about
one I will say as somebody who's never
made a game before so sorry if this is
bad advice but the the game play has to
come first I mean you you want to add
all of these bells and whistles and make
it look pretty but if the game's not fun
it's just not going to matter and then
after that after you've nailed that then
I think the biggest Trend that's just
not talked about very much is is what
they're playing for and I think uh
Ultimate Football really does a good job
with this is is the leveling experience
as well as Cosmetics it's cosmetics in
those free-to-play games that really
drive a lot of interest and value and
just collecting things um so game playay
first but then above that just you know
what am I playing for and what am I
trying to earn out
here exactly one of the things I kind of
pride myself on with Ultimate Football
is it's not really Ultimate Football
it's more like ultimate customization
but gameplay comes first I think that's
something that we didn't do right in
football Universe was we focused more so
on customization and less so in gameplay
and then when it came down to releasing
and getting feedback everybody's
feedback was your gameplay play sucks
but the customization is cool and that's
kind of the community we got was well
your gameplay sucks but the
customization is good so yeah so easy go
ahead yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead uh
and I think that's where we got also
football right is like we finally got we
finally got the right balance between
okay gameplay is good and customization
is even better think we finally the nail
on the head with that one no and I think
I think a a big point of emphasis is
that you can't like you can't neglect
the process within this you can be so
fixated on that end goal you can be so
fixated on oh I want to make a big game
and stuff like that but it's so easy to
sugarcoat some things that or like
glitter coat some things with Cosmetics
you can kind of like make up for the
poor gameplay with cosmetics by sugar
coating it but if you're going to make a
big game and you really want to make it
mainstream you got to like put some
emphasis on the process it's always
going to be a process it's going to be
long it's going to be tiring as Jason
said but at the end of the day it's it
you get you got to go through that
got one quick question for for Jason
himself uh Jason would you ever consider
and this is just an interesting proposal
I think single player version of
Ultimate Football where it is like
Madden I know that would be a little
different where maybe you control a
whole team you could do like an ultimate
team thing with AFL players as cards or
something I think that would be
something that could be genius that
would be sick if if I get to the point
with Ultimate Football where I'm not
having to plow through 10 15 bug tickets
every single day and not having to worry
about this new feature and that new
scoreboard UI and um you know that kind
of thing then yes absolutely uh prior to
release we actually had it set up where
you could there was Auto throw where you
would just hold down let's say like your
finger on the player that you wanted to
throw to say on mobile and if you held
down long enough then it would throw a
dart if you tapped then it would throw a
lob and it would actually it it was it
was so deadly accurate it was is like
like if we're going to do auto throw
then we actually have to commit to like
an actual Madden style gameplay where
the AI That's playing as defense can
actually keep up um
so short answer yes I would love to Long
answer hopefully soon you know I don't I
don't know yet I I find myself waking up
every day with five new bugs and um two
email two three emails I need to reply
to and so and so wants a concept made
and something something's always up
coming up my
sleeve yeah I I I feel like that would
be a whole different game at that point
I I wouldn't even imagine how hard the
AI would would be to code right
absolutely that's why that's why it
would need to be almost a completely
different game mode in there or a
completely different game but you know
that be awesome see if I I love I love
the idea I love the
idea yeah I think think AI would
definitely be the hardest part but I
mean the way I kind of look at it is
like I could literally just recycle the
logic that um ala football has you know
we already have I already have the
gameplay engine we already have all the
stadiums we already have all the assets
we just got to figure out how to work
the AI and then we're good yeah there's
a game called grid iron that has a AI
offensive line and defensive line uh I I
it looks it looks pretty it looks pretty
poor for what it is and it it looks like
like the players are like fall all over
the place like like they're going like
sideways and flinging around the map
every like play and stuff like that but
if you could if you could polish that
for for what it is like IR is a pretty
fun game overall too though I will say I
I do think it's Eno it's fun it's fun
but it's like it's it's got a ceiling
yeah awesome okay um there's a few more
questions in the chat so there may not
be any time to go with my ones but
that's fine
try get messages in the
chat real quick I'm gonna say we got a
quick question about where Kiri is
unfortunately Kiri did have a prior
commitment and could not
yeah someone in the chat also asked uh
bro I've been feeding you ever late and
why do I keep crashing when I'm on 20
streaks we personally actually make you
crash like whenever we see you're on a
20 streak we actually crash
you great great that's exactly what
do okay oh sound good so one of the
questions is not all the positions in
Ultimate Football F equal and fun and do
you think this together be changed in
future um did you say that one more time
uh yeah sure the question was not all
positions in Ultimate Football feel
equally fun so do you think that could
be changed in the
future um I I think football as a sport
general makes it really difficult to put
the spotlight on every single player all
the time um there's ala football while
it is American football I wouldn't say
it is like corly what you would think of
when you watch an NFL game where there's
offensive linemen there's centers
there's defensive linemen linebackers
safeties all that sort of thing I think
def really comes down to really just
like four core position
and that's um there's quarterback
there's a wide receiver you can be um a
corner when when you're covering on
defense or you can be a rusher or I
guess you want to call it a defensive
end um and I I think that for the game
the style of game play that we have
right now that's about as good as it's
going to get um kind of going back to
like would you make a Madden game I
think if we were going to do um and
include positions like running back and
um actual offensive linemen and you
tight end and all that stuff I think
that would be the perfect place to put
it in is like an actual you know buy the
NFL rulebook kind of game that's where
you can probably get all the positions
in whereas I think this kind of goofy
thought this goofy arcadey style of
football doesn't really permit multiple
position types um and kind of or limits
it to that that three or four that that
I was talking
okay aome and the last question I can
see is how did you promote your games
after investing an entire team to
them um I remember when I when I first
made R NFL one um Roblox NFL one um I
remember actually going to the head
coach of ofl and I was like or not the
head coach the commissioner and I I
think it was I think it was was
brilliant it might have been brilliant
or it might have been someone else but
this is like 2015 so all you probably
know who I'm talking about be Mard
Nintendo one of those guys I can't
remember maybe it was a smaller league
but I remember going to like a
commissioner of a big league and I was
like hey is there any way that you can
just post my game I'll make you a beta
tester you know if you want compensation
I'll do that and the guy was like no I
don't care I'll just do it anyway and so
that that's how we got it was just it's
just doing those like cold style pitches
where you're just walking in blind into
room metaphorically obviously this is
Roblox but just kind of just going into
someone's games being like hey can you
plug this real fast and and just talking
to them um and then when it came to Ala
football um I mean we had such a good
enough community that like I knew we
were GNA at least do like numbers that
were the same as or can be you know
greatly better than football universe
but what was nice was getting content
creators on the game you know um shout
out to Juicy John my bro I love that guy
he can be wild with his ideas for videos
but um just being friends with many
content creators as possible and kind of
forming that like tightnit Community
with your with the media um creation
scene can greatly improve the reach that
your your games have um especially I I
know that um on YouTube especially if
you can get like a million sub YouTube
um YouTuber to play your game and to
make a video on it will explode your
game and if you did the gameplay very
very well you'll keep that that um that
steam was somebody
here no okay um so that that that's
that's that's my my
answer okay awesome and
then okay so what are some of the
memorable moments you've had or all of
you are there any good moments you've
had which you would like to
share so my favorite moment ever was uh
when okay so acfl was a developmental
league as I had mentioned before so it
brings in the new players so that we can
develop them and so what I did is I got
the most like no offense to this team
because they they all develop now but
they were at the time the most clueless
team of all time and I found it so fun
teaching these new kids how to play
because we were just having so much fun
learning the game we were having so much
fun with this new experience and I was
having fun that I could give those
people that same experience as well so
shout out Clemson shout out the Clemson
team from uh I I love that team uh it
was back in the old like fbu days but
but from what it was that was the most
fun team I've ever had cuz me and all my
friends got together and we're like you
know what we're going to take this group
of 20 kids and we're just going to teach
them and we made them player cards and
everything like that we got them exposed
in the media we got them like play time
and everything like that we were having
so much fun with that team absolutely
and there are three moments that stick
out for me uh one as a player one as a
coach and one as a content
creator uh I think for
me uh they're all offl related um I
think you know winning my first Victory
bowl back in season five I literally was
on the floor like crying as a
13-year-old kid being like Oh my God we
won we were undefeated oh my God we did
it cuz it scored on the last place the
game a touchdown to win oh that was that
was the rush of emotions there was like
a roller coaster that whole game and
finally winning was like oh my gosh we
did it uh second one um would probably
um probably when I was a coach uh in
season 12 you know no one believed in us
no one believed in Us in season 12 for
the Warriors we went seven and one
started off the season 7 and0 granted we
lost the playoffs a very heartbreaking
playoff loss loss in overtime but the
fact that you know we were able to do as
much as we did and I won the head coach
the Year award very very uh humbling and
very great I was so grateful for the
guys on that team um a lot of those guys
were inexperienced players some of them
are now great players uh who you know I
think can take some credit maybe for
coaching them and helping them become
better and then I think the third moment
would be Victory Bowl 31 was just such
an anomaly pasta helped out with that D
mq helped out with that so I want to
give a huge shout out to them obviously
that was a really fun event we
we had over an hourong video pregame
show uh in like intro that was took us
about two weeks working nonstop to
complete it was absolutely unbelievable
how long it took to work on that and but
it was it was so worth in the end and
even the game was a blowout that I still
think is my Magnum open as a uh content
creator that was the one I did the PA
right no we were going to have you do PA
and then unfortunately fell apart but
you did the PA later which was which was
good because it kind of gave us
something new to do in the future right
right right
right I gotta say the the moment that
sticks out to me the most out of just
being a content creator or I guess this
could be like more General but I can
give it more of a specific example but I
got to say my favorite part about making
content and just doing stuff for the
sports Community um is is watching the
Super Bowls you know or the championship
games of all the leagues um and I got
the one that sticks out to me the most
um I actually there's I posted a picture
uh on afl's last championship game of me
with a bowl of popcorn in front of a
flat screen watching I think Kiri C
stream it um and I got to say that is
the that is the most fun part of just
doing all this that's what makes it all
worth it is actually like watching the
community come together make a league um
you know form a schedule play it out
duke it out and then it all comes to the
Pinnacle of this one championship game
and you know you get three 400 people
watching it and it's just it's just so
much fun I gotta say the one that sticks
out to me the most I remember I was
screaming just like hyped about this was
probably um I want to say it was Reese's
first Super Bowl when
best game ever that was the best game
ever last play of the game right that
was the best one that was the best one
cuz I remember he I was like oh dude
it's over he's gonna lose and then I
think he I think the last play was like
he he walked in for a two-point
conversion and he took the lead by like
a point or something like that and I I
can't remember if I was on the couch
watching it yeah I can't remember if I
was on the couch watching it or if I was
like in a VC with watching it but all I
remember is just like shouting and
screaming and my housemate at the time
came over and was like what's going on
and I'm like he won he he won that was
was it was amazing that's that's going
to be the most memorable part of of just
doing all this absolutely Reese Reese me
or not Rees I'm sorry I'm so used to say
Reese I'm talking about AFL uh but Jason
me and you and Reese we need to all work
really hard on this next one becausee
we're gonna we're gonna go we're gonna
make something that people have never
seen before for this next championship I
think let me know what you need we'll do
I I think one of the worst parts of the
game is when you're in the allegiance
bow or you're in the finals and then
your Wi-Fi just decides to go to I don't
know if you guys can relate to that I
don't know if I don't know if you guys
can relate to that but there I don't
know if you guys can relate to that but
there was this one time this one
anyways yeah I I remember uh uh in the
earlier versions of lfg some dude made
it to the Super Bowl and somebody uh
booted him offline right as the game was
starting so he got
a yeah somebody booted him off like the
quarterback too not like some random guy
like they booted their starting
quarterback offline before the game
started so it had to be
yeah uh positive memory for me was uh
kind of in the early days of content I
was just kind of experimenting I I had
heard a lot about the algorithm
algorithms on social media and I was
just testing it really I mean that me
being here was just
never never planned really it was just
like oh let me just post some videos and
see what happens and it was the
tutorials it was my kicking tutorial and
then the rushing tutorial that just blew
up and all of these people came in and
were just you know hey this really
helped me and things like that and uh
just kind of got that engagement and
just was just mind-blowing for me you
know was one of those initial moments
just said hey you know this is actually
something that I can do and so I've
continued and that was you know a year
and a half ago and I'm still here so uh
JJ and I wanted to say I posted a Tik
Tok randomly was the first thing I I did
I just posted a random Tik Tok one day
took a nap woke about two hours later
come back at a 300,000 views I'm like
okay I got some on Tik Tok now I made it
a complete joke like I thought nothing's
gonna happen with this and I come back
and it has 300,000 views I'm like okay I
guess I'm a Tik Tok Creator now it's
crazy how quick you can
go okay and I'm just looking through the
chat again there's a question just
getting Jason um and the question is is
there a chance that college teams will
ever be
aged um if we're talking NCAA teams if
we can get the license man absolutely um
if there's anybody from the NCAA that's
in the chat and wants to get something
going contact me man I'm right here um
but in terms of just like um say like
fictional kind of user generated uh
teams not right now um we have what we
have the the minor league teams that we
dropped for the season 3 update and I
think we're just going to stick with
those but um I have had people come up
to me and ask when is the next series of
teams coming and um I'm I'm I still have
burnout from Dam you
yeah yeah I have you and I have um
someone else I can't remember uh who
wants teams but I only want my one team
added I want my one offl team added
man but yeah uh if we can it'll happen
sure okay that's cool so what are I've
said that one
sorry uh
okay so how do you see your group
contributing overall to the gr Sports
Community because as you mentioned you
are a massive group so how does it
contribute towards everything I
guess do that for me yeah it can be or
it can be for anyone
um can you repeat the question one more
time group yeah sure uh so how do you
see the group contributing to the
overall of Rose sport so your group does
it contribute towards everything as a
or yeah yeah I mean I would say it's
more so even like just like just even
simple things as like Discord
communities I think one of the really
nice things about having kind of this
Rose Sports and even just Roblox in
general um is that it really is a
tight-knit community and family you know
I think that there we bicker and we
annoy each other and we get in each
other's nerves a lot more times than we
could probably count but at the end of
the day we're all just one big family
and um we all look out for each other
and I think that's probably one of the
nicest things about just Roblox in
general when you compare it to even
things like Madden whereas I feel like
Madden is a little more disconnected
than it is for Roblox um when it when it
comes to like the groups impacting the
success of the game I think it
definitely helps because you can have
that kind of access to your community um
I don't I don't think you can have that
same level of access when you have a
game say on like you know steam or if
you have it on any other platform having
on in in one centralized place whether
that' be Discord or Roblox is the most
rewarding thing and the most helpful
thing that you can you can possibly
experience as a as a content creator and
that goes even Beyond and when I say
content creator I mean like even as a
YouTuber or even as um someone who just
streams games you know it's having that
level of um low-level impact and
communication can be um instrumental in
the most in gaining success in anything
that you want to
do okay there a question that has just
come through and it says CL XR what was
some of the most enjoyable moments you
can recall from the US development
period um
let me let me think um the most
memorable piece from UF
um I hate to say but the first thing
that comes to mind is um me we we were
making the referee models and we started
out with all just old men because
usually it's in you know NFL football
it's always um you know old guys being
referees and we were kind of goofing off
and being like you know what if there
were you know some like you know
actually female really cute referees and
whatnot and so we're you know being dumb
and we're pulling ugc items off the
catalog and we made we made a bunch of
like you know a very diverse set of of
uh female referees and um we pitched it
to the community and everybody was just
like they're like oh d would I would
flirt up with that referee like you if I
score touchdown I'm definitely walking
up to her and
so and it was it was just a crazy just
like a stupid idea I think it was like
you know midnight we were just kind of
screwing around and um it eventually
made his way into the game and so now
you can if you score a touchdown you can
go walk up to one of the female referees
and you hit the gritty on her or
something I think my favorite part was
when Jason DM me hey there gorgeous what
I got to do to get you to come play UF
me that's usually my go-to response I'm
like I'm like hey how what do I got to
do it's a great game by the way Jason
it's a great game thank you only took
three years top 10 game ever made
probably number three behind like Zelda
and Halo Halo 3 Halo 3 it's up there
though it's top three ever
made hey man just to be on the list
that's an honor I'll say that well
actually Spider-Man 2 my pass at this
and work at McDonald's
simulator oh actually can I can I can I
keep answer that question um another
thing that I I thought was kind of funny
um I I hope Carter is in here but um
when we were also when we were working
on like the Hub um for the the game
because there's like a there's like a
trade Hub uh we were like towards the
end of development I was like you know
we should probably have like like NPCs
you know people that you can walk up to
interact with and you know if you have a
question that's where you get your
answer you know that's where you can get
your question answered and so I like
okay let's make a bunch of NPCs and so
um a bunch of us guys got together I
wrote up like this generator script and
it just generated a bunch of NPCs and we
got to pick him out and um going back to
the the whole like female referee there
were a
couple girl NPCs and we just kind of
started giving names to NPCs and there
was this one girl named Luna and um
Carter my beloved Carter during testing
was like that is my girlfriend don't you
dare walk up to her and ask her a
question um and so and then um I
remember I can't remember who else but
somebody walked up took a picture and
was like you know hey Carter I'm
stealing your girl right now and he
actually got on and was like no you are
not you were not getting my girlfriend
even though it's just like an NBC in the
game so it's it's stupid but it's just
funny fair enough okay so another one
just comes through and so it's probably
get everyone that's made or contributed
towards a game but do you have any
favorite tutorials on Roblox Studio to
help you make a game like Ultimate
Football oh I'm sorry say that my my my
headphones cut out okay um it the
question was are there any favorit you
tutorials on how to make a Roblox Studio
game so for example something that
helped you make Ultimate
Football um so I started doing Roblox
development in like 2011 2012 and I
started off of stickmaster Luke's
tutorials way back when in 2012 um and
then from there it's just been
self-taught you know I've always done
everything kind of on my own um I will
say um the the Roblox Wiki is your best
friend the dev forum is like like your
brother and then YouTube tutorials are
going to be um also the best help and if
you have what's great about the Forum is
if you have a problem with something
that's not running or working in your
game chances are somebody's already had
that same problem already posted about
it they've already solved it they posted
solution you know and then
um tutorials YouTube tutorials um I know
there's one there's a good set by Alvin
blocks that can help you out a lot but
um I I always say like the the toughest
thing about learning programming
especially even just Roblox in general
is that it's really just a lot of trial
and error you're GNA get frustrated
you're GNA be um tired exhausted but you
have to keep at it um because if you
even leave for a couple days you might
forget what you already learned until
you've done it so often and so much that
it's just a second nature to
you okay that's very interesting
so a question which has added on to that
part and it says what did the testing po
polishing the process of the game look
like before you released
it um so I want to say about last
August um not not this last August
August 2022 um is when we actually
brought on actual testers to play the
game and I want to tell you the first
week was miserable because they found so
many bugs that you we couldn't account
for um and there's there's still bugs
that we never even thought of happening
that we still have to fix and solve um
but the the way it worked behind the
scenes is I mentioned a bunch of people
who you know I trusted and um my friends
trusted to bring on as as testers to see
um if they could help literally bulldo
through the game and see what they could
find um and we did that from about
probably about August all the way
through um
February um and in you know we did a
play a couple we initially it started
out with a bunch of play tests but as we
started working through gting the trade
Hub working and mini games up and
running um it got to the point where we
were doing like maybe a play test every
other week something like that um
because as you as you iterate and you
polish more you don't need to test as
much but um I will say one of the things
that you should one things I would do
differently about it would be to test
even more um it's always frustrating I
think when you fix something and then
someone joins before that fix is
published and then they're go and then
they're spamming you saying hey this is
broken this is broken it's like you know
you're typing away being like dude I'm I
just fixed that you know um and it's
frustrating to be overwhelmed with bugs
but I think doing it differently I would
keep that and have them continue to
annoy you
because you there's there's so many
things you can't test for there's so
many edge cases that you'd never imagine
possible um that could be the difference
between you know someone not being able
to put on an item and a whole server
stalling out to the point where you'd
have to either vote fix or just wait
till everybody leaves so um game
development is frustration a lot of
frustration but at the end of the day
it's so rewarding and so much
awesome okay there's a few more
questions in the chat and then that's
probably going to be everything we have
time for so if anyone want to ask
anything else now's your chance um
there's two current ones in the chat and
the first one which is probably aimed at
everyone and it says what do you think
was the real difference in marketing
getting new players for fbu to
us difference in
um what I think for me the difference
was I played a much bigger role in
actually communicating with content
creators and actually getting them to
like the game and figuring out what
works best with them and what doesn't
juicy John dier Dylan DIY Q they were
all on the tester team um when we opened
up at that August like I just mentioned
in the last question um and my whole
thing was like what works for you what
do you hate what do you love what can I
do better on because ultimately they're
going to be the ones that are
advertising the game and if they don't
like the game they're not going to play
the game they're not gonna make YouTube
videos they're not gonna make Tik toks
they're not gonna do anything about it
um and so figuring out
what what the content creators enjoy can
be like I said the difference between
your game being a 100 player game versus
a thousand versus even 10,000 um
and I think having them involved was the
best thing I could have ever done when
it came to when we were working on um
football Universe they were we never
involved any YouTubers or anybody into
the development process we literally
just winged it um we never really we
never really properly tested we never
had a dedicated testing team um
and there there was there was minimal
involvement from the outside community
in that game so the difference between
between those two games is immense in
terms of development and then
release um the other thing is we also
did a paid release so that not everybody
in and that helped out a
lot Okay cool so the last question I can
see in the chat is do you think there
will be any competitors anytime
soon comptitive uh there's already a
competitive game mode in the game but I
need to advertise it more and make it
more no he means like I think he means
like competitors like other big games oh
like other like competing games um not
for the next three
years I hope man I I I hope there Fusion
will always be my competitor you know I
think I think I can I can rest and die
easy knowing that my game got more
players at least once um more than
fusion um I I think there will always be
competition you know there could be a
point where I mean Al football is the
number two game right now and it's doing
great and it can be doing even better
but um you have to assume that there's
always going to be someone who's trying
to one up you um you just because you're
on the throne doesn't mean you can keep
it if that makes sense um
so yes there's going to be there's
absolutely going to be more competitors
and trying to keep Pace with them is
going to be the most difficult part of
our game um you
know I I was talking to JY John the
other day and I I told him about a
football game that just popped up and it
had like I think 200 players and I was
really stressed about it and he was like
dude you are too anxious about a small
little you know 100 200 player football
game to be you know this worried you
know you don't just relax man you're
good um
so um
you know I I I take everything very very
seriously because I take I took this as
my full-time job and I've put I've bet a
lot of my cards on this game working out
and so far it has it really really has
um but anything can change at the flip
of a
dime the game has gone really well so M
congratulations to you for the amount of
work you and everyone here has put into
it so massive well down that and I wish
you the best here so the last question I
can see is Will NFL a make a
return the cleat the cleat the the sorry
yep will the cleat ever make a
return um Tyler Ju Just so you know uh
in uh fbu and Jason's old game uh if you
want a championship or something like
that they would put customized cleats
into the game uh for the Champions to
wear so was like a cool trade item cool
fair enough
uh if you make them I'll add them let me
just put it that way um in in in years
past it's always been like a team will
win and then they'll be like why haven't
you made the cleats yet why haven't why
haven't you done that and I always say
I'm like dude it's not my responsibility
it's not it's not even my our
responsibility to make the item you know
we'll provide the template we'll give
you the stuff um but if you don't make
it then I can't promise that it'll be
added and I guess the only other
question I have would be would you ever
consider something Beyond cleats like
Rings even or something where it's like
a could be like a like maybe not
wearable but like a a like an actual 3D
model of like a ring or a even like a
wrestling championship belt I think
could be something cool yeah I mean
anything L it could be it could be
literally anything my only thing is like
it has to be consistent I don't want it
to be like every other season a
different kind of item I'd rather just
be like you know
consistent across multiple Seasons um
and uh this goes for any major league
you know we're not I'm not biased well
some people think I'm biased I'm not I
don't care you know I I just want to do
what makes the community and everybody
happy um there's one thing I was goingon
to mention but I can't remember but yeah
would love to but make
them okay awesome I think that's all the
questions yes anyone going to drop
anything last second if if we want to
let ki in here for a second oh he's here
yeah he said yo where's the Discord he
he's dming me
bro Darth Darth Vader
chill hold up if anyone has the last
second questions for KI we could throw
him in that's so
cool oh sorry about that everyone we
have a special guest as well so we've
got Kiri also here so say hi to everyone
hello everybody happy to be here once
again big shout out to obviously
everyone who's been able to compose this
and obviously the Tyler for letting us
have a voice here uh I want to say hello
to everyone that's been there watching
streams Etc
so up K absolutely I want to give H
shout out to KI who is one of my huge
inspirations to do this so give a shout
out to KI he is the goat by the way Ki
can I ask you a question what is good
yeah what was what was your reaction
2.8k that was maybe one of the biggest
like Milestones that I've seen in Ro
sports like like
history I was very excited about it um
more so not even for my my own and uh I
was more excited about it for obviously
for for Jason and Ultimate Football it
was something that I've always wanted to
kind of put out uh again football has
always been big uh we had 2.8 th000 uh
viewers on a Tik Tok stream for for one
of the ultimate football competitive
leagues which was lfg UF whoa wow that
crazy yeah yeah it was it was it was
amazing I I think the most I've ever
gotten is like
one like 3K or something on Tik
Tok yeah it's crazy and I'm pretty sure
that was for was that for offl was that
for uh was the the first game I did for
offl was a regular season game it just a
meaningless regular season game and yes
one it's actually so actually in in
reality it's the most watched offl game
ever if you combine the twitch viewers
with it too so kind of funny more than
so I'll take
it it's that's the wonders of Tik Tok
right now I think Tik Tok really loves
roblocks and there's the specific
audience starting to to head towards
there but I want to say for sure that it
it definitely meant a lot to hit that
record um again for Ultimate Football
and for the fact that it was uh my
franchise that was involved in it uh big
shout out to sunno I see him in the chat
um I want to say you know again it was
it was awesome to to kind of give that
for for my own franchise I had the
project this season for lfg UF that I
wanted to kind of uh showcase a certain
group of of players and it made it
easier that it was my own team I got to
connect with these guys along with being
able to commentate more and and give
more analytics than what I would
normally do for a regular uh kind of
game oh Ki I think I speak for a lot of
the content people here you were my
inspiration to start doing this and I
think a lot of the content people here
can actually say that as well uh so very
glad to see Ki C in the building and Ki
I wanted to ask you I guess we'll do a
speedrun of the questions that they
asked us what was your favorite moments
in row sports that's anything that
stands out my favorite moments in Real
Sports has to be for sure and somebody
was mentioning it as well in the chat um
uh definitely Roblox WWE uh when we got
to do something with Roblox wrestling
that was one of the biggest moments um
especially for production wise um
normally you get a lot of there see
there's some wonders about uh public
games but there's the very one big Pro
one of the only few Pros I would say to
like uh something to where it's just
developed for for competitive only is
the for Roblox wrestling they had this
one person named ex Sama uh he was
easily one of the best Developers for
Roblox WR I believe he's still a bit
back he was banned for uh I believe like
an asset or something that didn't
actually have anything but it didn't go
through with the filter um he was
amazing he was outstanding and he did I
believe this
Spider-Man uh introduction for one of
the wrestlers and it was so good and
it's just this one moment where I
commentated it was it was the most
amazing thing these guys had made the
Spider-Man movie like the Spider-Man
movie thing no that was uh
roenia uh they they have a really good
production too Roblox wrestling has one
of the best Productions by far I think a
lot of them need a bit more shine and
and more Spotlight these guys are
amazing especially when it comes to
again developing that isn't necessarily
like the same as there may not be as
organized I would say but
they have easily one of the best
production and talent for
production I got a guy actually um I
want to mention this because he's
awesome um uh one of the few Roblox
wrestling uh producers uh to become or
to to join in for cloud burst as an
animator Stephen spectacle dude is
amazing um you know Jason got to really
see that too this guy man he he can
animate you anything yeah
is he the one that does like the uh the
graphics like the the UF draft thing
when you're first loading into the thing
uh no he he does your
celebrations he does the the the
throwing animation everything that
that's actually gameplay wise that is
him sweet sweet and Jason just quickly
there's a question in the chat and you
it says who would be on your top five
ultimate football quarterback
best say it Jason say it Jason you're
right you're
right that's a hard say it Jason say it
uh um I I I'll
say it's probably gotta be Finley number
one and then huie probably number two I
haven't seen Reese play in a while
PR is definitely up there somewhere not
in the playoffs this is this is not a
playoff list this is a this is a regular
list um would be like
30 yeah
um no I can't remember many of other
other QBs I need to watch the games more
often I just never I literally never
have the time to just sit down and relax
so but
um Jason's top three I'm in Jason's top
three everybody you heard here first
um if I didn't say Reese Reese is
definitely up there
yeah W any other any other uh ala
football questions he's just L you guys
are just lucky haven't decided to play
in the league yet otherwise I'd be
number one let's be
yeah awesome I think that's all the
questions yes anyone's going to add
anything else which go for it if anyone
to does anyone have any final questions
here uh we're coming up on an hour and a
half of this which I want to thank you
guys I know someone asked me to say this
so we got a couple time for a couple
more questions here which means Ki what
time is it this is crunch
time there it is let's go I know someone
asked me to say it this there we go I I
had to I right that D
was one question from
the put the back up put the code back up
put that back up Jason One
reverse no no it's up it's up I see
it good oh it is okay it is
correct and he got you all right we got
the what is the moment your favorite
moment all the RO football games you
streamed uh it's either between kelvin's
game winning throw that ended up being
one of my top clips that or it would
have to be um man that's that's a tough
question I'm not going to lie to you um
is the Super Bowl I will say yeah it
might have to be
um but I'm trying to think of which
Super Bowl because there was one where
Reese oh yeah it has to be that one
where Reese and I think it was the 49ers
I want to say yeah uh ran it in for the
touchdown and then the twoo attempt to
win the whole thing that was easily one
of my favorite moments for
sure we got questions about when the
stream team's gonna form again we we we
gonna form a stream team in
AFL oh my God that we probably get we
probably get we probably get destroyed
not going to lie yeah we we definitely
would especially with someone
quarterback whoa whoa whoa whoa
whoa I have faith in Honey I don't have
faith I don't have faith in these other
these other
clowns I'll tell you this I'm I'm G get
line you're all gonna line I'm gonna get
a Triple Crown as a defensive end I'll
be fine I got it let's go let's go we're
bringing a new offensive and defensive
formation to League they won't expect it
they have yo put me can I be a joker
like cell
patter he's the gadget guy
man I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the the
the coach I'm gonna be like the sideline
coach you know what I'm saying
yeah he's our Doug Peterson he's the
play caller he's the bill bill trick
Philly Philly Philly Philly it's gonna
be it's gonna be nothing but trick play
trick play
offense yeah he's going to throw in the
Travis Kel hooking ladder to Noah
okay I think that should
be I wanted to thank uh before we sign
off I want to thank everyone so much for
coming through it's been such a pleasure
having you guys and we really do thank
you and and Tyler such a shout out to
you man you are the
goat yeah shout out to Tyler everybody
because this guy this guy set all this
up I didn't know about this until
yesterday so shout out to
Tyler gave us a voice know is I got
added to a group
chat got added to a group chat King's
like yo we're doing this I was like all
righty the one thing I will say if
anyone wants to do another event like
this we are hoping to do another one so
if you guys want to see anyone in
particular feel free to share their
names and I'll see what I can do and try
and contact more people um and yeah
we'll definitely do something like this
again with all of
you let's go sounds great so much so
that's okay thanks for joining everyone
and I will see you all
soon great stuff team great stuff team