MovieWorld Conference at RAAPA 2022

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.
During our conference at RAAPA 2022, we covered upcoming updates, rides, and our opening date for our theme park MovieWorld!
0:00:00 --> thank you I think we'll start now that's okay for you first of all welcome everyone thank you for joining us just some housekeeping rules you stay behind the first row at all times some get on top other people or if not how to respond to you and if you do it again I just kick you um for the Q a please ask relevant questions non-relevant questions will just be ignored because it's for your time and our time so having said that I you get to see there enjoy hey hello everyone uh I am cedar uh
0:01:02.7 --> and today we are talking about if you love okay so let me begin as many of you are currently where movie world has been in development for just over a year now and we've done loads of different things of the park uh explaining if you are aware we have announced 11 different rights and we have all showing out five different areas for all of you to explore and we can't thank the support you've given us as much as you can and we really appreciate it so we have currently announced a few things that will be coming to the park it's not showing jobs and new things for people to look at and get explorers were more money in the game so one of the big things in our game
0:02:01.2 --> will be movie bugs and this is basically a way for you to get items within the game such as soup drinks and different sort of a bit tools and things you can use thanks when you get these items you can save them in your very own inventing tray which only you will be able to have access to we are hoping in the future to add trading as I am aware many of you wanted to be able to have items in which you can save them and then give them to other people Okay so we keep getting asked one question and the one question we have been told the most is when is the pot going to open and I am glad to tell you the park will be opening in February 2023 so we only have two months left
0:03:02.9 --> and all of you will be able to go and see the park then and I know it's been a long way and I know all of you have been waiting for it but I will tell you it would be worth it and I really hope you enjoy it with that being said I should probably leak some opening details for you so at first we have our Alpha test fields which are currently being tested in certain areas of our Park and they will be tested in the game for the first week or so before we open it to the general public once all of them have finished will be allowing our VIP vendors to play the game so are VIP members is basically a Game Pass which you will be able to buy we are currently looking at making 300 Robux but this might change it will be shared across our social media on the 1st of January as a
0:04:02.5 --> pre-order if you would like it and they will be able to play the game one day earlier before everyone else will be able to and the day after that it will be open for everyone's prayer and on opening day we will have a live show with you to watch a big sort of party area and lots of different areas which people will be able to have a look at and we are hoping to announce some very special things which will be coming to the park such as a DC event and other events which will sort of make the pot more interactive and will make it unique from others okay so one more thing about the opening is we will be looking at Having Eight areas open for all of you and within the eight different areas there will be eight rides and
0:05:01.8 --> they should be more than that we're hoping but it depends how development goes so there we go um and yeah as I've already mentioned I want to thank all of you for supporting the game I know it's been a while and I know all of you have been waiting for it to come for ages but it is opening and we will be opening in February we will be telling everyone the exact skate but very soon but we don't want to confirm anything just yet because we don't want to get all of your hopes up and tell you we're delaying it so we will be opening in February and apart from that that is lots of the information I have to tell you the there's one small little thing and that'll be with the jobs within the game we will be looking at having tour guides and we'll be hoping that staff members
0:06:00.4 --> can apply for a job and will be able to interruptible Park more and still more like a part of our team so that's one of the things we're looking forward to doing and that's all I really have to say for this conference and I think we should move to the Q a if that's okay yeah that's perfect okay so um so that's a question you should be able to raise your hand um we'll go bring each of you one by one on the stage once again please ask relevant questions okay so let's start with John oh all right uh am I muted okay I heard you talking about uh shows I wanted to know what type of shows we could expect because that's something that other Parks don't really have okay yeah so some of the shows we were
0:07:01.9 --> looking at we were having a show in which it's a firework shows for people to watch and we're looking at having a show where we can have real Roblox members sort of interacting English show the sort of a theater showing away and have it more interactive um yeah the sort of two different types of shows but we're hoping to do both all right thank you thank you okay so let's bring our emulator so you're talking about jobs what are those jobs include a ride operator we are going to a Greg operator yep I was going to keep using announcements create wrong but yeah we are acting right operators and we're very excited to give them unique features which isn't just pressing the button and getting the right go we're hoping to have more interactive Parts on that gotcha thank
0:08:00.5 --> you thank you okay so let's bring on General all right um hello everybody uh I have a question real quick so do you guys by any chance like have any DC Comics themed uh things coming to the park such as Gotham City Metropolis we have metropolis and we do have a Gotham City already in the game that we will be acting more conscious got you got you got you thanks Cedar that's fine thank you okay okay so let's bring on Mr Matt
0:09:00.9 --> Mr Right There okay I think we'll bring up someone else Mr dubs hi hey Cedar congratulations thank you so my question is uh I like coasters as much as the next man but I'm really more of a Dark Ride fan and I want to know how many dark rides out of those initial eight are we gonna see so let's go Christ we have no darkrai's opening on the opening day but we will have two rides in the future which we're hoping to reveal more details on uh and I'll just say her name iqt Roblox yes my name is a kitty Roblox and I
0:10:03.8 --> am like a good Builder I think so I want to know what makes your Park different from uh ordinary Six Flags park like I'm saying like do y'all have any rides at our campy enough to be like different like like this is like an example water is usually blue but imagine the water from Blue was Green like you have any like things like that sort of nature my grandma's terrible we think uh I'll try and make unique uniqueness and in terms of like water good water is a normal color but we are hoping to have different rides which we can make them unique so for our dark though people can try and make it in a way it doesn't feel like a typical Roblox ride it shows more realistic or feels more unique with a Different Twist
0:11:01.8 --> so maybe something which isn't actually making real life but something we've developed based on other attractions to make everything more unique with our own style to it I guess awesome okay so um let's bring on Mikey this will be our last Discord question after this um we'll move into the chat
0:12:07.4 --> yeah we haven't really thought about aging statues for the original owners but that is certainly is something I can talk to your team about and get it I had to guess it's something everyone would want to make it more feel like the actual Park yeah it's definitely a possibility we could go foreign possibility because yeah it sounds really cool because thank you okay so um we'll now start with the inside questions for everyone
0:13:00.5 --> joining us here thank you um our next conference will be uh the thrill conference in half an hour it'll be in conference stage a so having said this I lined up the this stage a cedar um presence you have a line to answer questions okay um thanks for coming everyone thank you yeah